He's coming?

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The bus ride to school felt like it took forever even though it was only 20 minutes.Anwir was in his usual seat the very last row in the back where all the losers sit.He was a loser ever since third grade all the way to his recent grade,11th grade.The reason he was such a loser was that he was scrawny and when his voice would raise he would sound like a screeching bat and when you had a lot of "normal" people around you it wasn't as cool as your mom thought it was.Anwir has always been a mama's boy as well which was also loser material.The bus pulled in beside the school and Anwir prepared for the second day of 11th grade.He checked his backpack one more time to ensure his noise canceling earmuffs were there.He grabbed them out and put them on.Always better safe than sorry. There's the other thing he was a loser for,being oversensitive.He made his way through the small crowd on the bus and down the steps onto the icy sidewalk.He hated that the school board made everyone go to school on what was supposed to be a snow day. He would rather have stayed at home cozy in bed and reading a good book. Instead he was here at school with severe anxiety that hasn't been treated because of money issues. Whatever not everyone can be rich and problemless.Anwir thought to himself.Anwir wandered around the halls until he found his first class, biology,yuck.

By 3:40 p.m. Anwir was exhausted.He wondered around the school once more before the speaker for announcements interrupted him, "All buses are ready please report to the front double doors of the building I repeat report to the front double doors of the building." Anwir walked in the direction of the front of the building like the principal had asked. A rough hand grasped his shoulder and he instantly knew who it was he looked around and smiled."Hey Silas." The boy behind him smiled "Hey buddy I haven't seen you all day what happened?" Anwir turned around to face him,"I guess we ended up in different classes."Silas frowned,"Yeah but I didn't see you at lunch?"Anwir looked down,"Sorry I didn't feel like eating again."Silas didn't look surprised this time,"Dude I'm the only one that's around you when you eat people won't judge you.Trust me." Concern filled his eyes.Anwir looked back up,"I know let's just drop it.I'll eat when I get home."He turned and started walking towards his destination again.Silas followed him.

Anwir walked up onto his front porch and opened the front door to his two-story house."I'm home!"He called, "Hey Dark Wing,what's up?" A beautiful woman walked down the steps.She had dark brown hair and light blue eyes and a smile that could brighten the whole room.Anwir smiled,"Hey Mom today wasn't that bad.I think my anxiety is getting better or the bullies are finally growing up." His mom ruffled his hair while he set his backpack down on the dining room table."Well that's great Dark Wing but I have some bad news.I hope this doesn't bother you," His mom sat down at the end of the table which indicated he also needed to sit down.Concerned he asked,
"What's wrong Mom?" His mom crossed her arms and sighed,"Your father is coming here in a few days." Anwir looked at her in shock,"What? Why?"His eyes started to tear up.Why would his dad be coming here after all this time,after all he put Anwir through?And his mom allowed him to? "He wanted to see you and to see how your 'condition' is."She rolled her eyes,"You know if he actually shows up we can glitter bomb him."She smirked.Anwir was still too stunned to speak.

"Listen I know what he did to you and I know you don't like him around,but he promised there was a good reason he's coming.He also has someone for you to meet."Anwir raised a brow."He looked up at his mom,"Someone to meet?"His mom nodded."Oh,and there's one other thing.This might make you happy." She smiled and Anwir just noticed the folded paper sitting in front of his mom while she picked it up.

"There's a freak show coming to town.I know how much you wanted to be in one and so I signed you up."His mom looked up from unfolding the paper and saw that her son looked like he was about to explode not in an angry way but an actual exploding way. "Anwir?"Anwir took a deep breath, "Mom I am a freak.If you sign me up with fakes I promise I will never forgive you." His mom smiled at him and he looked at her confused."Don't worry I'm sure they are real. There's a chief which can breathe fire, a bearded lady,a mind reader,a giant, a guy with a fish head and many more.You will love it!And I know you'll fit in."To some people it would seem like his mom didn't love him and that she truly believed he was a freak but too Anwir the words she just said brightened his whole day."Really?You think they'll like me?"He smiled and looked down.I might fit in somewhere after all this time?

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