Time to meet the freaks!

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Anwir was standing in front of the most stunning sight he had ever beheld.An enormous sign hung above an older looking red and white striped tent that read "WELCOME TO THE FREAK SHOW!". Beyond the sign tents stretched out for miles.Anwir wasn't sure where they ended.

He looked down at the paper that he was clutching.His mom already signed him up for it so there's no turning back now.He walked up to the window of the first tent and peered inside.Everything was silent except for the distant circus music and laughter coming from beyond the tents where Anwir could not see.

Sighing he stepped back from the tent realizing no one was there.He looked down and a loud bang rang out in front of him.Anwir jumped and looked up to see a man peering out the window of the tent.The man had a wide grin and his hands were on the window seeming like he was imprisoned inside.The man seemed to be laughing while he walked into what looked to be a void of darkness.Anwir stood in shock.Who was he?

A few moments later the man that Anwir saw walked out into the pathway Anwir was standing on.The man still seemed to be laughing but all the noise he was making sounded like wheezing.Anwir looked the man up and down.He was large and round.He had a mustache that went to his knees.The man wore striped harem pants and a black ruffle trim top.Ok this has to be one of the freaks.

The man looked at Anwir with a grin and started booming with laughter.The mans stomach bounced up and down as loud as he was.His laugh even seemed to shake the ground.Anwir took a few steps back away from the man confused on what exactly was happening."Uh Hi-"His words were cut off by the man,"I got you good!"He boomed with laughter once again.Anwir let out a nervous chuckle."Uh yeah I guess you did",He paused."I'm here to join the freak show?My mom signed me up already.Can you help me?"Anwir said cautiously.The man boomed with laughter again and Anwir was starting to wonder if the man was just full with laughter struggling to get out.

"Your mom signed you up for this?"There it was again,the booming laughter."Kid.Your mom must hate you.Sighing up a normal kid like you,"He shook his head."Ha! That's a laugh."Anwir's face burned with anger.He clenched his fists."You know what.This was a bad idea.Good bye."Anwir turned to walk away but before he could get a step in the man reached out and grabbed the paper that Anwir was holding.Hey!Anwir tried to say something and to grab the paper back but he couldn't do either.

"Oh,Your Taleah's son!"The man looked Anwir up and down."I can see the resemblance."He handed the paper back to Anwir and said,"I'm Chief.Im the ringleader of this show.You said you wanted to join?"Anwir nodded."I did before you accused my mom for hating me."Anwir frowned.The man boomed with laughter.Wow this is getting annoying."No no no.I know for a fact Taleah loves you.She practically gave up her whole life for you."Chief grinned at him.

"What do you mean?"Anwir raised his brow."She left her life here at the freak show for you.This freak show is what she lived for.But when she found out she was pregnant with twins.She left,"He shook his head."A shame,really.We loved that woman."Chief looked down at Anwir face and laughed.Anwir stood there in shook,his mouth practically on the ground."What?!"Anwir stared at him.Why would she not tell me that?Ok he has to be lying.

"He's not lying."A girls voice rung out behind Anwir and he yelped and turned around.A girl that looked to be about his age was standing a few feet away from him.She had brown hair and was on the shorter side and had sparkling green eyes."Your mother really was a freak here."She nodded towards him.Great.The mind reader.The girl tilted her head."That's correct."Great."Also I'm a lot older then you."She smirked.

A hand grasped Anwir's shoulder and he jumped."Dude you're really jumpy.Do you think we bite?"A familiar voice said.Anwir turned to see his best friend."Silas?"What is happening?Silas grinned and Anwir saw two perfectly white fangs.Anwir's eyes grew wide."Dude,don't worry.I'm a vampire,yes.But I don't bite.I promise."Silas raised his hand in oath.The girl that was behind Anwir walked up beside Silas.Anwir looked at all three of them confused."Ok hold on.Let me get this straight.First I find out my mom used to be a freak here?Then I found out my best friend is a Vampire?And didn't someone say I have a twin?"

Anwir looked back and forth to each of them.The girl nodded."I can't believe you didn't know you had a twin."Anwir looked at her dumbfounded.Wait did this girl ever introduce herself?"Oh.Sorry my name is Elora.Nice to meet you Anwir."She held out her hand.Anwir hesitated to shake it but Chief grabbed his hand and made him shake Elora's.All three said in unison."Time to meet the other freaks!"

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