chapter 2

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The party arrived in reithwin town tav had profusely apologized to astarion for making him drink from the drow astarion just accepted the apology because he needs his and the rest of the party's help to remove the tadpoles from him and sorin whom gave tav many death threats if he dares does anything like that to astarion again sorin and astarion told the rest of the party that they were now a couple who were really happy and supportive for the vampiric couple especially karlach though shadow heart was pretty disappointed as she kinda had a crush on sorin the party heard of something going on at the Grand Mausoleum and decided to check it out astarion stayed close to sorins side something astarion learned was that when he sleeps near sorin he doesn't get nightmares from cazadore once they got to the Grand Mausoleum they noticed a familiar devil Raphael: are heros thought only of the treasure ahead but not consider the peace of the dead through the dark he went creeping and awoke what was sleeping a new grave dug which he himself fed tav: a warning no less don't tell me your worried about me Raphael: merely protecting my assets I've grown quite fawned of you in my way i thought it was only fair to warn you of the dangers ahead tav: what dangers are those Raphael: oh we both know they will soon be revealed it would be pointless to bar you from entering but I can set the scene as it were prepare you for your role tav: fine paint me your picture tav said meanwhile astarion inched his way closer towards sorin which didn't go unnoticed by Raphael Raphael:there is a stage down in the dark in which a great drama has suspended itself in time it's actors still dwell there in lanquor of there long tired scenes if you however if you through the dark go creeping and awake what is sleeping chances are many more graves then yours will be fed tav: paint a clearer picture then that Raphael: very well there's a creature down there that lurks in silence and shadows a creature like me is very much of the infernal persuasion should it make its way out the doorway that your about brazingly walkthrough you have unleashed a pestilence upon this realm it is carnage incarnate if you meet the devil i speak of kill it consider no other course of action tav:your still only telling half of what you know i can tell while tav was talking to Raphael Sorin gave astarions hand a squeeze Sorin could tell that astarion had something on his mind astarion looked up at sorin and smiled Raphael: now let's talk about you Raphael said while turning towards astarion Raphael: I sense that theres something you want to ask me astarion: yes i have a proposal of my own astarion said letting go of Sorins hand and walking forward sorin in turn stayed close behind astarion he didn't trust this devil one bit Raphael: a proposal well little vampling if your planning on tasting my blood think again it burns hotter then wyvern whiskey Raphael said with a smirk astarion: this is serious business devil my old well a long time ago someone carved some runes into my back I'd rather like to know what they say Raphael: it's something of great your old master but is it a love letter a warning or a deed of ownership i can give you all the gory details and i will once the beast that lurks beneath is vanquished and sent back to the hells tav: what are you talking about astarion what scars Raphael: you haven't told them and you've kept your cloths on this whole time how unlike you its especially surprising as it appears the vampire lord behind you is your lover why not let them see don't be shy Raphael said and with a wave of his hand astarion was stripped down to his underwear astarion: wha gods damn it astarion said dejectedly he was humiliated stripped down to his undergarments with his scars in full display however he felt something kinda heavy completely covering him taking a closer look he realized it was Sorins trench coat looking towards his side he sees that Sorin has came up beside him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder Raphael: don't pout spawn just destroy the beast and i will happily reveal your secrets instead of your skin astarion: yes fine we will kill this damn creature of yours Raphael: then we have a understanding i look forward to are next meeting scars tell such wonderful stories im sure yours might be truly exquisite Raphael said as he disappeared the rest of the party spread out sensing that astarion and Sorin need some time to themselves to process what happened Sorin: you ok love Sorin said softly astarion: i hid something as important as runes on my back from you and yet your asking if I'm ok Sorin: i actually felt your scars through your shirt when we first kissed i was waiting for you to tell me when you were ready Sorin said looking at astarion astarion: I meant to tell you sooner but the time just never came up astarions said while looking into Sorins golden eyes Sorin: i care about you deeply astarion and your scars won't change that Sorin said while kissing astarion on the forehead astarion: thank you sorin though i should probably go out some clothes on astarion said to which Sorin smiled him after about 5 minutes astarion came back only he was only wearing his trousers and boots he still had sorins trench coat astarion: I uh I want you to see my scars astarion said nervously Sorin nodded while astarion handed Sorin the trench coat and turned around showing his exposed back and sorins eyes widened cazadore was now definitely at the top of his kill list Sorin: they appear to be written in infernal i can actually read them for you astarion: wait you can't read infernal why didn't you say anything about it sorin: nobody asked and its not exactly something one brings up in casual conversation sorin said while looking at astarions back Sorin: gods the carving must have been excruciating astarion: cazadore worked on it from dusk until dawn all with a ancient blade he called his needle cutting and tearing starting over if I screamed or flinched to much it was a rough night astarion said with his eyes casted downwards Sorin placed a comforting hand on astarions shoulder Sorin: I swear if I ever see cazadore were going to kill him also I managed to tranlate the runes they say this soul swears no oath by fire Nor words does he speak In the realm of death looks to be some short of seel or perhaps part of a spell astarion: looks like we're still going to have to do that devils quest thank you though after 200 years I finally know what they say astarion said while turning to face Sorin Sorin: anytime love which caused astarion to start blushing


Skipping over the quest and Raphaels dialogue explaining astarions scars


After Raphael finished talking Sorin approached him Raphael: and what do owe the pleasure to a vampire lord Raphael said with a smirk Sorin: THIS Sorin proceeded to stab the devil until he was good as dead the rest of the party were staring at sorin wide eyed that he just killed the devil asterion meanwhile couldn't help but think dear gods I love this man

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