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Yujin clenched the straps of his bag as he hummed to the song he was listening to. He kicked rocks as he walked, looking at the almost empty street.

A smile came to his face as he remembered what he planned to do this weekend. He got into his apartment and went straight to his closet.

He pulled out a box and sat on the floor as he opened it. He took out a tied bundle of money. He smiled as counted the money he had saved.

He planned on having a picnic with Gunwook. He had saved the money to get all the things Gunwook liked.

"This is enough" he said, shaking his head happily.
He took out his phone and called Gunwook.
"Yujin-ah. You back from your dance lessons?"
Yujin heard Gunwook say as soon as he answered the call.

"Yeah yeah. Just got back now. Uhm hyung..will you be free this Saturday? I want to do something with you" Yujin said and bit his lip nervously as he waited for Gunwook.

He heard Gunwook suck in a breath.
"Uuuuu not sure bout that Yujin, I and Tae Rae have plans. Well not officially but we planned on meeting.
Okay look, how 'bout I call him and just confirm things. I'll get back to you okay?"

"Sure" Yujin muttered and Gunwook ended the call. He dejectedly placed his phone down and sighed.
He moved his knees to his chest and rested his head on them as he hugged himself.

"Tae Rae again" he muttered. He felt his entire mood go down. He remembered a memory that even made him feel more misery.

"Yujin, you know I told you I'd tell you something later" Gunwook said and Yujin paused his game and turned to Gunwook.

He saw Gunwook nervously smile as he sat on the couch beside Yujin. "I..uh..There's someone I like"

Yujin's eyes slowly widened. "What?"

Gunwook lightly chuckled and rubbed his neck.
"Yeah..it just happened. I don't even know how to explain it but..I-..I really like Tae Rae."

"Oh" Yujin muttered as he stared at Gunwook.
"Tae Rae" he muttered and Gunwook nodded as he smiled blushing.

"I really like him..judging from today I'm sure you already know he's sweet" Gunwook said and fell back to the couch with his hands on his chest smiling.

Yujin knew Tae Rae was nice, he talked to Yujin, showed him some of his house designs, he even played games with him. Yujin enjoyed his company.

"Yeah. He..He's sweet"

"You approve of him right? I'm thinking of asking him out but not now though. I'd like to take things slow"  Gunwook said grinning. Yujin slowly forced up a smile. "Y-Yeah. He's good..for you"

"Hahh" Yujin sighed and ruffled his hair.
"Why has my life been a series of things not going my way" he muttered. He stared into space for the next few minutes until his phone dinged.

He looked at his phone and saw a message from Gunwook.

-Tae Rae has something so we canceled our meet up. So yeah we can go wherever you want. 33.

Yujin stared at his phone screen. Ever since
Yujin met Tae Rae that day, it has been as if
Tae Rae replaced him in Gunwook's life.

Gunwook became less and less around because he spent most of his time with Tae Rae. He had pushed away his ideas and plans of spending time with Gunwook because he already had plans with
Tae Rae.

The only times he met Gunwook were when his and Tae Rae's plans were cancelled. He sighed and dropped his phone and buried his head in between his arms.

"Again I'm the plan b" he muttered.


Knock knock

Ricky placed his sketchbook on the couch and walked to the door. "What the heck's he doing here?"
Ricky muttered when he saw Gyuvin waving at the camera.

He opened the door and saw Gyuvin waving at him.
"Good day my pretty prince" Gyuvin said as he winked at Ricky. Ricky crossed his arms.
"What are you doing here Gyuvin?"

Gyuvin put his hands in his pockets as he checked Ricky out. He was in a black tank top with baggy sweatpants, his long hair packed up in a bun.

"You look really good right now" Gyuvin said smiling. Ricky scoffed and put his hands on his hips.
"What are you doing here?"

"Well I came to see you." Gyuvin said walking into Ricky's home. Ricky sighed and rubbed his eyebrows as he closed the door, cussing Gyuvin for being so stubborn.

Gyuvin sat on the couch and stretched his arms wide and crossed his legs. "Yah! Why are you sitting like you own my place! Keep your arms by your side. Now" Ricky yelled as he hit Gyuvin's arms.

"Ouch jeez so salty" Gyuvin whine and Ricky rolled his eyes at him. "Can you please get me some water? Or maybe a drink? I'm really thirsty. Wonder why you'd have a house up a hill".

Ricky scoffed and looked at Gyuvin.
"Well I'm sure I saw you walk in here with your legs. So use those same legs and get yourself some water"
Ricky said and Gyuvin chuckled at his sassiness.

"You don't want me going into your room and snooping through your stuff right?" Gyuvin asked smirking. Ricky glared at him and sighed as he stood up. "You better stay here till I get back"

Once Ricky left, Gyuvin looked around his house, looking at the pictures on the walls. He tapped his fingers as he walked to the kitchen.

He saw Ricky pouring in water into a glass cup. He walked behind him and placed his hand on his hip, startling Ricky.

"Yah! Why would you sneak up on me like that?"
Ricky nagged and tried to move away but Gyuvin held his waist tighter and held him down.

"Who says I can not" He whispered as he moved Ricky's hair away from his face. "Huh? Tell me"

Ricky just stared at Gyuvin who had a smirk on his face. Gyuvin looked away from his eyes and looked down to his lips. He softly caressed them with his thumb before leaning in.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ricky asked as he placed his hand on Gyuvin's lips. Gyuvin looked at Ricky who looked back at him with an arched eyebrow. "Move. Away" Ricky commanded.

Gyuvin sighed and took his hands off Ricky's waist.
"Take your water and meet me in the living room"
Ricky said and walked out. Gyuvin watched Ricky leave the kitchen and gritted his teeth.

"Still not going to give up".

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