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It's what I've always wanted. A baby...but I wasn't expecting...two babies. "Congratulations, Aleena. Both of the boys are fine and healthy. We had trouble with the second one, but he's fine now." My doctor assured me. I had just woken up from giving birth to my sons and I hadn't seen them yet. I had seen one of them, but not the other. I turned my head to see them in their own hospital cribs. I didn't know at the time, but the energetic one would be James. The quiet one would be Richard. I carefully sat up to see the quiet and still one sleeping while the other was moving like crazy. A nurse came in. "Would you like the father's name to be on the birth certificates?" She asked me. "Of course I would." I put my hand on the energetic one's chest which kept him calm. I didn't know it yet, but Prince did give me not one, but two blessings. I was mad at him. He would never understand the pain I've been through...and he never will.

I was making the boys their birthday breakfast. Thirteen. I couldn't believe they were turning thirteen today. It's been thirteen years. I felt a kiss on the side of my neck and I turned my head to kiss my lover. Prince was grinning at me, his eyes puffy from just waking up. "They're just waking up." He said as he pulled away to make his tea. Our new home was much bigger. We did exactly as we said we would and sold the house to keep the money for the boys when they got older. "Did you sleep well on the new mattress?" I asked him. "Meh, it's going to take some time to get used to. My hips are just new and still recovering." Prince said. Over the summer Prince had surgery to help his hips which has worked well. I didn't think he'd ever get it done, but he did.

I heard the first set of feet down the stairs and Jay stood there. "Happy Birthday, buddy." Prince said before sipping his tea. Jay gave me a kiss on the cheek and he hadn't spoke yet, but I knew he hadn't woken up. "Richie is coming." He said before grabbing a glass of milk. Prince was watching me put pancakes on a plate and knew they were all for him. "Do you want me to check on him?" Prince asked. It was probably to restrain himself from getting a pancake before we all sat down. Richie made his way downstairs slowly. His curls were getting long again as his Mohawk had grown out since we last cut it. "Morning." He said softly. Jay happily opened the fridge for Richie so he could grab one of his individually bottled orange juices. Richie was adapting to the new house, but Jay loved it. He had a small room for workout stuff, but Richie had his own bedroom studio right across the hall from Jay.

"Happy birthday, Richie." Jay said to his brother. I smiled. Richie sit at the end of the table. We all had our breakfast and sat down. Richie was sitting the farthest away from everyone, but it was the only way he could sit with his family and eat. Our new table was about six feet long. "Mama, when do we start school again?" Jay asked. "Next week. We have to get all of your paperwork done and turn your shot records in." Prince was sipping his tea. Richie was barely touching his breakfast. "What would you two like to do for your birthday?" Prince asked the boys. We both knew it would be hard as Richie was more of a homebody while Jay was more outgoing. "Umm. Pizza." Richie said. I giggled. "Okay. I can whip up some pizza for dinner." I looked at Jay who was rubbing his eye. "Um, I want to watch the game." Jay said. So far those were both home activities.

Prince was cutting into his pancakes. "What would you like for your birthday lunch?" I asked the boys. Prince was still listening. Jay looked as if he was thinking, but looking at his brother. I called it that they were communicating. "Umm." Richie said. "Sandwiches?" Jay asked. Richie shook his head quickly. "Okay." Jay said as he was still trying to read Richie. Prince was quietly watching them. "...Salads?" Richie asked. "No. Spaghetti, dude." Jay said. I laughed and Richie did, too. "How abooout we have pizza for lunch and spaghetti for dinner?" Prince asked. The boys looked at each other. "Okay." They said in unison. Richie was definitely such a homebody and stuck to himself but he listened to his brother and father talk about sports. Richie knew he could talk about music with the both of them, but he always waited his turn. "Mom, the new Modest Mouse album comes out tonight." I turned my head and tapped Prince's hand. "Huh?" "Did you hear Richie?" I asked him. "The new Modest Mouse album comes out tonight." Richie repeated. "Oh! That is tonight." He knew Richie loved their music. "Can we go pick it up tonight at Electric Fetus?" He asked his father. "Of course, bud. Absolutely." Richie grinned and stood to take his almost empty plate to the sink. I was so proud of my youngest son. He was growing up so fast and even with his condition he was learning to be independent. And it wasn't from us pushing him, it's because he really wanted to do it.

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