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Eighteen years ago, I met Prince for the first time. I'll never forget that night just because I never would've thought Prince and I would have the life we have now since that night. Jordan and I were pretty fresh into our relationship and was having a big birthday party at our place. It was the late eighties, so of course there would be some drugs here and there. "Look, I just want lots of liquor and loud music. I want a shit ton of people there, too." Jordan was on the phone as I was doing my hair. "What? I mean, yeah that's fine, too." He got up and left the room and I rolled my eyes. Jordan and I did love each other, but for the wrong reasons. I simply didn't want to be alone, and Jordan wanted to domesticate, but never wanted to let go of the fact he was losing his youth.

The party was that night. That's where this all began. It was like Prince was perfectly placed in my life at the perfect time. I was mingling around the place, making food every now and then for tipsy or drunken assholes while also drinking a little on my own. I decided to take a bump in the bathroom before going outside for a cigarette when I heard the loudest bang on the other side of the house. I was walked around the house to see what looked like two shadows fighting on the ground. "Hey, hey!" I shouted as I walked over to them. One of them was Jordan, the other one was...Prince. I knew who Prince was just because he was friends with Jordan, but we had officially never met. Prince's hair was short and curly and he had a pencil thin mustache that still kills me when I think about. "What the fuck is going on?" Jordan stood up and had a bloody lip. "Nothing, baby. Go back inside there's plenty of coke there." Prince was staring at me as he sniffled before wiping his mouth. Prince was bleeding more than Jordan and his hands were in some shape. I couldn't tell if it was his blood or Jordan's. "Goddammit. Come on." I said to Prince. He followed me inside and was keeping his hands hidden. In the light, I could see Prince was wearing an atrocious yellow suit. I mean, it was cute but it was the brightest yellow I had ever seen. I took Prince to the same bathroom I had just snorted coke in and sat him on the bath tub.

"You must be Aleena." He said. "Yeah, I am." I grabbed some spray that would disinfect his knuckles which made him hiss in pain. "Ow." He said. I didn't say anything back and gently put the bandaging on his knuckles. "Why were you fighting Jordan? The only reason I'm helping you is because he kind of deserved it." Prince laughed a little. "Oh? So...did you know about the girl?" I looked at him. "What do you mean?" "He's been fucking around on you for a while. Now I can't say shit, but...I know he was also trying to get engaged to you, too." My eyes widened. "How do you know this?" I asked him. "Jordan tells me everything. He wants to settle down with you, but I don't think he's got the right emotions to do that." I sat on the bathroom floor and took the little mirror off the counter before taking the last bump. This one made me lightheaded as hell. "You know, he wants kids, too. I don't think that'll improve your chances of having them." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not having kids. I can't have kids." I confessed. Prince sat next to me on the bathroom floor. "You never know." He said leaning his head against the bathroom wall.

I was laying next to Prince with my eyes open as I came out of my daze. Prince was facing me and had his arm curled up under his head. I scooted over and kissed his jaw softly feeling him stir. "Good morning." He said reaching for me. I readjusted so he could slip his arms around me. "Ready to take a vacation?" I asked him. He nodded with a slight grin and had just opened his eyes. "I'm bringing my script with me." He said. "I wanna make sure it's good." I shook my head. "The only thing you're bringing is yourself and clothes. Maybe a guitar if you're good." He smirked. "I can find a new guitar in Hawaii." He rolled onto his back and stretched which gave me access to his neck where I gave little kisses. "Andre will be here soon. Let's get dressed and let the boys know what's going on." I said to him.

Prince and I got out of bed to get dressed and while he packed, I walked to the front door. Andre had just pulled up and Jay was just getting up for school. "Morning, mama." He said as he was making himself some cereal. "Morning, sweetie." I said as I unlocked the door's locks. I only had five on this door, my last door had at least twenty. Andre was walking up and wheeling his suitcase into the house and when Jay saw him he was suspicious. "What's going on?" He asked. "Uncle Andre is going to watch you guys for a couple of days while your Dad and I sort some stuff." "What?" Richie asked as he was just walking down. He was rubbing his eye. "Yeah, your dad and I are going to spend some time together." Jay and Richie looked at each other. "Why? You guys spend time together all the time." Jay said. Andre walked upstairs to the guest room. Richie walked over to his pill bottle to open it. "This is different. We need time alone." Richie popped his pill into his mouth and chugged half a bottle of water that was already on the counter.

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