The world before

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          "So, do any of you remember the world before?" I asked, looking towards Ayaka. Ayaka looked down, basically putting her head in her arms to face palm. "What do you mean, world before? The world has always been like this." She said, Matthew looked at them both in disappointment. "No, it was not. Where do you think those large structures outside came from?"

         "Maybe others Who were here before us?" Said Kaden, sharing a look of agreement with Ayaka. "You're wrong, let me tell you about the world before." I said with an enthusiastic grin. The grin faded for a second and said. "Wait a second, Kaden. Didn't you remember something in the car? You spoke of your TV and the emergency warning." Kaden looked at Matt confused before saying, "I have no idea what you're talking about Matt." Matthew looked at Kaden, a little confused and said, "Alright then..."

         The grin returns to Matthew's face and a sense of wonder appears in his eyes. "The world before, it was beautiful. Buildings stood tall, roads were packed with other people, just like us. Billions of us, on one small little planet, dancing the cosmic dance of the universe. Floating through space, in a galaxy full of empty space apart from other little planets, most much bigger than our own. The human race took this place and called it home, but we took it for granted, destroying the planet little by little. There was many types of people, which is why all of our physical appearances are different, I myself am light skinned, slim, sorta nerdy, Kaden is dark skinned, slightly bulky and gorgeous, Ayaka your ethnicity was known as Asian, your people were some with the highest beauty standards on the earth, loved perfection and often referred to as smart, however that is just a stereotype"

         "Hold up, so we live on this uh planet? Called earth?" Said Ayaka looking invested. "Everything your saying sounds like a made up thing, apart from this ethnicity you described us as." she continued as quickly as possible, wanting me to continue my story.

         "It is all true, for some reason, everybody has lost their memory. No one can remember anything prior to the extinction event and I'm not sure why, but I know damn well. I will get to the bottom of this" Continued Matthew explaining the world before. "We lived within a democracy, well most of us did anyway, there were two types of people, capitalists and communists. Capitalists were the people who lived their lives, voting for a new person to run the country every few years, everyone got paid different amounts based on their jobs and some people lived in poverty, whereas communists were a system based on eliminating social classes, ran by one person until said person dies, various forms of communism evolved in different places but that's a story for another time." I continued.

         "So, what were these jobs like Matt?" Asked Kaden, looking at him, genuinely curious about the world before, believing me. I gave Kaden a hopeful look, thanking him for believing me, even though I sound completely out of my mind to them at the moment.

         "Jobs were a thing we did to earn currency, there was a wide variety of jobs, mechanics, builders, lawyers and others. I was a scientist or a mechanical genius before the event, and I was so fucking good at what I did, I worked on stuff such as this." I said pulling the FBG out of my pocket to show them. Ayaka drew her weapon, being cautious. "What is it?" She asked me, genuinely concerned for the safety of her home. "It's a man made, indestructible barrier, it protects the user from anything, attackers, those runners outside, collapsing buildings." I reassured her, trying to calm her down.

         Ayaka put her weapon down, before asking, "Can you give us a demonstration." Looking at it, curious. I gave her a look of defeat putting it away, "Well I can't currently, it needs a power source in order to charge. But I think I know where we can get one." Telling her, excited. Continuing to look at me she asked, "Where, also what is power?"

         Continuing to look at them, intrigued in what I was saying myself I told them, "Power is an amazing thing, there's multiple types of power. Carbon power, nuclear power, clean energy. We need to get clean energy for the FBG carbon power damaged the planet, ruining our atmosphere. Nuclear power was more dangerous than anything, nuclear plants had a chance to explode if left unchecked for too long, clean energy though, it's used to power certain stuff such as lights, little gadgets and other stuff like security."

         Ayaka looked proud as if to tell me that I was doing a good thing using clean energy to power my little device. "We can set off at first daylight." Said Ayaka wanting to now help, she seemed as if she had let her guard down.

         "Enough about the world before, we live in the world now. Do you guys have any spare wood, or materials we can use to put up defenses. I asked them. Ayaka looked further into the cave they had made home, "Over there, there should be some wood and this long thing we can tie it all together with." She said to me, we walked over towards the wood and began to put together a little wall thing to cover the cave from the outside, tying it all together. We picked it up and dragged it outside the cave, putting it up, so wandering runners couldn't get into the place. "This should be enough to keep us safe." I said to Kaden and Ayaka. "This was a great idea, Matt." Kaden said to me.

         I looked at them both, physically exhausted. "What do you guys think about us getting some sleep then going on an expedition to find supplies tomorrow." Kaden and Ayaka looked back at me, beat. "Sounds like a plan." They both said at the same time. We all lay down and the last thing I said before passing out, into the land of dreams was. "Another time, I'll tell you more about the world before."

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