Chapter 2. Your battle

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Watching iida act like an actual villain was hilarious, he was waaaaay to serious about it

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Watching iida act like an actual villain was hilarious, he was waaaaay to serious about it. While watching the first fight, you were stood by Shoto, you looked at the screen and saw bakugou completely raging "I feel bad for Midoriya, bakugou is doing way too much right now" you said, looking to Shoto, causing him to look straight back "I agree, ..he doesn't come off as a guy with a strategy, but he's actually quite intelligent" he said, as monotone as always, however this seemed to perk everyone up, and sooner than later after everyone calling him clever and talented, they started to say he was acting like a real villain, at this you just stayed silent. Shoto noticed your silence and stared at you for a few seconds before noticing you were zoning out and bumped your shoulder, you laughed a little before you heard what Midoriya was saying to bakugou,
"you idiot.."

Before it was your turn to fight, you walked over to momo "hey girl, you ready?" You asked with a smirk, knowing you guys were going to eat the other team up. "Y/n! Of course, I have a feeling we're going to do just great against Kaminari and Jiro, I've even been thinking over some strategies if you'd like to discuss until we're up?" She replies smiling and holding her hands together. "Yeah of course, by the way, your hero costume is so cute I love it!!" You say to her, enthusiastically returning her energy. "Thank you y/n! I appreciate it, really, you look quite amazing yourself, i like how it's similar to your fathers but it's your own spider design and choice of colours! Are you going to wear a mask like him too? Or a mask like your aunt kayama's?" She asks, blushing at first, then genuinely curious. "I haven't decided yet, I'm thinking more like my aunts but fully around my eyes, and maybe adding a hood, but thank you. Anyways, YOU READY?!?!?" You ask enthusiastically jumping up and down at this point due to how hyper you were, causing a few stares and smiles from your classmates. You two start to walk to the your training area, you were assigned the good guys, but you felt a cold hand grab your wrist, "Y/n. Good luck out there, not that you'll need it, I know you'll win. But I'll be watching you." Shoto says to you with small smile, it wasn't much but it was the most he could do as it wasn't something he was used to but he wanted to try, which caused you to grin and wink at him, "thanks sho" you nick name him before going with momo.

Ok so, your plan. momo was going find a way that could help us find the villains quicker, then distract jiro and Kaminari while you crawl in, web them and web over the bomb so that it was secured and once you'd webbed Kaminari and jiro she could cuff them so they couldn't escape.

Once the two of you found the location you were ready to go, you walked to the window and 'fell' out, but actually you were on the other side stood on the walls waiting, she rushed over the the window in a panic, she held a hand to her chest and said "oh my goodness yn, you just scared the life out of me! I completely forgot you could do that" she said lauging, as you squatted near the window, you told her to hold on to you, you were going to web sling the two of you to the bad guys domain, web slinging would be quicker and stealthier. This took her by surprise, but nonetheless she was holding onto you tight as you shot webs from building to building till you were there, you flew threw the air and she was looking around astonished, which amused you. Once you were there you began crawling on the ceiling and looked down at her with a thumbs up which signalled her to go and play her part. Jiro on the other hand had her ear jacks on the walls and could hear crawling but couldn't see anything, probably because you were invisible at this point, you figured if everyone else was being extra why couldn't you.

When momo came in and was fighting Jiro, Kaminari saw you as you hung from your web upside down, before he could zap you with his lightning you shot one of your 'special' kind of webs at him, though it had to be on his face otherwise it wouldn't work as well, and just like that, he was out. Momo had taken care of jiro and cuffed her to Kaminari as you webbed up the bomb and stood back on the ground.

By this point you were congratulated for winning and you, Jiro and momo all congratulated eachother for fighting well. Kaminari was lying down on one of the beds waiting to be woken up while another team was getting ready to go up, you were right, you did eat them up. "Y/n, I didn't know you could produce webs like that, however it does make sense considering your aunt kayama and, if you don't mind, I'm assuming mothers side of the family. How long until he wakes up?"  Momo asks, with Jiro nodding along.
" no it's okay I don't mind, it's a special kind of web i still need some practice on but, I've pretty much mastered, anddddd for now, he should be up in about 5-10 minutes."
"How does it work?" Jiro asks, intrigued,
"We'll when I shoot the web at the person, it sticks to them and the web itself sort of produces a mist that makes them fall asleep, like my aunts, and the time that the person is out depends on how much of the web is on them"
"Wow, it's so admirable how you can do so many things!!" Momo adds.

However could feel you were being stared at, and while the other two are watching the current match, you turn to see that it's bakugou, and this makes him look away feistily, so you decide to walk over, "what do you want web head?" He asks you, with a snarl, so in return you smile and reply "just wanted to say congrats on your match earlier, your quirk is crazy." choosing not to add in the fact that he lost to Midoriya, who also was in a bed, but he was recovering instead of sleeping. "Listen spidey, you might have beat dunce face, but you sure as hell won't beat me"
You laugh and reply "I guess we'll just have to see about that". Which causes him to smirk at you "whatever dumb girl, I gues your not as shitty as these other extras, just not as good as me, AND DONT FORGET THAT."

And after that everyone went back to get changed and go back to class.

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