• Don't Want To Ruin.... - Malvie -

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Just some possible pre Malcolm/Stevie. Set around season 5 or 6.


~ Candy


As he sits on his bed with Stevie, working on whatever homework Mr. Herkabe has given them this time, Malcolm finds that he just can't stop staring at his friend. For reasons he's afraid to even think about.

Because lately, he's been having some weird feelings for his best friend that he's been so desperately trying to ignore and push away. But... however hard he tries to get rid of these stupid feelings, they won't go away.

And he hates it.

"Malcolm...are you...even listening?"

Stevie's voice cuts through his inner thoughts, and Malcolm shakes his head. Trying to push away the thoughts he's having of shoving both their homework off the bed, and pull Stevie in for a kiss.

It terrifies him that he wants to do that really badly....

"Of course I am." Malcolm says. "Why wouldn't I be?"

It's an obvious lie, and there's absolutely no doubt that Stevie can tell. Of course Stevie can tell if he's lying or not.

Just hopefully Stevie won't make a comment about it....

"You sure?" Stevie asks. "Then what...was I...talking about?"


Malcolm sighs, setting his homework down on the bed next to him, not caring that it ends up slipping off and onto the floor. His homework is the least of his worries right now.

"Fine, I'm just not in the mood to do homework." He sighs. "So yes, I wasn't listening."

He'd rather do anything but homework right now. Specifically kissing Stevie....

He shakes his head, trying to get that thought out of his mind. Because there's no way that he can do that. No doubt Stevie doesn't even like him in that way, and then he'd probably end up losing his best friend. And he really doesn't want to do that. He doesn't want to lose Stevie.

Stevie is the only real friend he's ever had. He doesn't want to lose what they have.

"Then what...do you want...to do?" Stevie asks. "Any ideas?"

Letting out a slight groan, Malcolm gets up. "I'm gonna grab a soda, you want one?"

He doesn't wait for Stevie to reply, as he makes his way out of his bedroom and into the kitchen. Where he stops, leaning up against the counter, trying desperately to banish the thoughts out of his mind about how much he really wants to kiss Stevie.

But try as he might, the bastard thoughts just won't go away.

He's stuck with them. Whether he likes it or not....

He's not sure how long he's been standing out in the kitchen by the time he hears Stevie making his way out of the bedroom, his wheelchair creaking slightly as he wheels himself over.

"What the hell...is up...with you today?" Stevie asks. "You're acting...weird."

"Nothing, I'm fine." Malcolm shakes his head, pushing himself up from the counter towards the fridge. But Stevie's hand on his wrist stops him.

And he finds that he cannot pull his wrist or if Stevie's grip. Sometimes he forgets how strong the other boy has gotten despite being wheelchair bound, amongst all his other health issues. Stevie has for sure gained some muscle in his arms.

Just the thought of that makes his shiver, and he has to look away from Stevie.

"Malcolm...you can talk...to me...about anything." Stevie says. "I'm your...friend."


He cannot talk to him about this. No matter how hard Stevie tries to push him to talk. He just can't tell him this, and risk losing one of the best and only real friendship he's ever had.

He just can't....

"Don't you boys have homework you need to be doing?"

Malcolm jumps at the sound of his mother's voice and manages to pull his wrist out from Stevie's grip as the other boy let's him go.

"We just came out to get a soda." Malcolm lies, grabbing out two cans from the fridge, and handing one to Stevie. "We're getting back to it right now."

Without another word, Malcolm is retreating back off into his bedroom, with Stevie following along behind him slowly. Still very much intent on getting to the bottom of what's got Malcolm acting all strange.

In the kitchen, Lois watches on after the pair, her confusion clear as day at Malcolm's odd demeanor. However, she mostly chalks it up to teenage angst.

But even still, as she sets the shopping down on the table to then put away, she decides that later, maybe once Stevie has gone home, that she's going to talk to Malcolm about whatever seems to be bothering him. Because clearly, there's something bothering him.

And weirdly, she has a feeling that it has to do with Stevie....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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