- Just Some Post-Series Headcanons

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Okay, so I know, this isn't a one-shot, I assure you I'm sitting on like... eight more? Maybe ten? Idk, though one is about halfway finished, probably a bit less than that actually, as I have a feeling it's going to be quite long. I'm also slowly working on the second part of Coming Out.

Also, at some point I plan on posting up a separate book that looks into the idea of each of the boys being girls instead. No idea when that'll be up, as I've got other stuff to work on instead.

Anyway, these are just some post-series headcanons that I have if you're interested.


• Lois and Hal finally have the little girl they've always wanted after five boys. But as she grows older she's just as reckless as her older brothers, but more hormonal.

• To blow off stress and to just relax, Lois creates a BookTube channel on YouTube where she can talk as much as she wants to about books to everyone viewing her videos. Dewey and Jamie edit all her videos for her.

• Hal starts making use of the bomb-shelter, going down there whenever he needs to relax and be by himself.

• Reese starts attending a cooking school and becomes a model student, much to the surprise of the entire family, including himself.

• Dewey gets into a very flash and expensive music school, having received a scholarship to the school.

• Francis and Piama have two kids, a boy and a girl, who both like to cause as much trouble as they possibly can.

• It turns out Jamie is the best behaved out of all the Wilkerson children. And has a higher I.Q. than Malcolm does, only he's not a narcissistic ass like Malcolm is.

• Malcolm doesn't become president like his parents wanted him to. Instead he gets a job at his old high school as a chemistry teacher. (Thus Breaking Bad occurs many years later)

• Malcolm cuts all ties with his family and barely speaks to any of them. He does however regularly watch his mother's BookTube videos on YouTube.

• Lois starts writing her own books, having already published two of them.

• Reese starts dating a guy he met in one of his cooking classes. He's nervous to introduce him to his parents, but is very surprised to find that his mother adores his boyfriend.

• Malcolm still regularly talks with Stevie Kenarban - who has become much more of a success than Malcolm has.

• The only family member that Malcolm still talks with is Jamie, as he teaches chemistry to Jamie's grade, as Jamie is in one of the classes he teaches.

• Reese and his boyfriend open up their own restaurant together.

• Lois still works at the Lucky Aide, but now holds a much higher position in the store.

• Craig Feldspar is still in love with Lois, and is still a loser working at the Lucky Aide.

• Hal and Lois aren't as stressed out as they used to be, and they still live in their crappy two bedroom house.

• Ida finally dies, and the family are the only ones to show up at her funeral.


Okay, that's all the headcanons I have so far, but it's likely that I'll come up with more, so if anyone is interested in it, I can post a part two when I have more headcanons for the series post-canon.

I regularly watch the show, and with every rewatch, I end up with more theories every time, so... I'm bound to come up with more headcanons.

Anyway, what do you guys think of these? And yes, I headcanon that Reese ends up with a boyfriend. I don't know if it's just me, but I get a kind of gay or at least bisexual vibe from him, and I do feel as though at least one of the boys aren't straight.

I'd love to hear any headcanons that you guys have!

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