• Lois's Little Girl

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Just a one-shot where Lois gets the girl that she's always wanted, and the boy's reaction to finally having a little sister.

Honestly though, I may have made Malcolm overreact a bit too much in this.... Judging by how he reacted to finding out Lois was pregnant with Jamie in season 4 though, it doesn't seem too out of character? I guess?

Also, this took a bit longer than first anticipated to get up. Maybe cause of the length, or because I've been a bit sick these past few days. That, and I've been binge watching Breaking Bad... and Malcolm in the Middle again, but that was only while I wait for my copies of the rest of Breaking Bad to arrive....


"You're pregnant again?!" Malcolm exclaims, having just heard the news from his mother that she's pregnant for the sixth time now. His brothers who are sitting around the table just as shocked as he is also having heard the news.

He had just returned home from Harvard for his mother's birthday, to find out that she's once again pregnant. He honestly can't say that he's too surprised by that though, but his mother and father don't exactly have a whole lot of money, and now they're adding another kid to the family?

"Mom, dad, seriously. Did you even think this all through?" He asks. "You barely have enough money for the two kids you still have at home!"

Even with the three oldest kids not living at home anymore, both Hal and Lois don't have a lot of money. They've never had a lot of money in the first place though, and if they did, they'd have a bigger house by now, and each of the boys would've gotten their own rooms and beds.

"Malcolm, just calm down." Hal starts. "We didn't plan for this to happen, it just did."

"Were any of us even planned?" Malcolm asks, knowing very well what the answer to that will be. That none of them were planned, except maybe the oldest, Francis.

Hal shifts around uncomfortably in his seat at that, while Lois looks down at the table. None of their boys were exactly planned, but that doesn't make them love them all any less.

"We are not going to answer that..." Hal states. "But even so, we love you boys very much."

Malcolm feels as though his parents not answering to that basically confirms what he already knows, that none of them were planned.

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