Chapter 1; Dante

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"fuck.." I woke up all groggy and exhausted.. wish I could just not go to my fucking classes, but whatever, I had too anyways. I did my morning routine and went out.. Shit. It was so fucking cold, I grunted as I saddled my motorbike, I rolled on the engine and zoomed off.  As always I get the usual yelling from the teacher.. "Dante!! Late again?!" He scolded, he went on and on..  What bullshit, says the ones who's fucking balding. I drove past him, making him fall back on his ass, tch. That was funny, The loud engine roared as everyone from their classes rushed to the window to even imagine being with me, I skirted over to the side and went off the seat.. I felt so popular, I mean.. Obviously.  I brushed through my hair with my fingers and walked in the building.. Screams were heard and every girl I glanced at immediately felt weak to their knees.. I walked towards my classroom and my friend group walked with me, Our steps in sync. I walked towards my seat and absolutely every girl gazed at me as if I was their dream man, I probably am but you know what I'm saying. "Dante, wanna bet?" My friend, Ziko muttered. In fact he's always making those stupid bets that he would always win but since I'm feeling competitive  .. why not? "Sure, what?" I mentioned. Ziko drags his finger to a random girl sitting at the high rows, "Her, You have to make her fall in love with you!" I dragged my eyes to the girl who was just peacefully studying with her headphones on.. she was kinda cute. "Hmm.. sure." I agreed to the 'stupid' bet. I got off my seat and saunter to her.. Holy shit. She was even attractive close up.. her features were so fetching.. I hate to admit that everything about her was just so.. Flawless and exquisite. I tapped on her book to get her attention, she slowly gazed up at me and bloody hell, her eyes, Her eyes.. it just did something to me.. I don't know what but it definitely did. "H-Hey.."... That was so fucking embarrassing, Why did i have to stutter? Why couldn't the words come out smoothly? What is wrong with me... 

𝘙𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘓𝘶𝘴𝘵Where stories live. Discover now