Chapter 1; Astoria

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I aimed perfectly at the target, breathing heavily right after.. I let go of my arms as they swinged to my sides.

I glance to the corner to see dante walking towards me with a huge grin plastered on his lips.. ew.


Dante mouthed, being dangerously close to me.. Only inches between us.. kinda hot.


I answered, looking down at his veiny hands.. Why did he bring me a water bottle?? 


 I gently clasp the bottle form his hands and look up at him in confusion..

"What's this?"

"Hm, thought you needed it."

oh, huh.

I clicked open the bottle and gulped down it all.. Why was he staring at my throat.. 

tsk, he was getting all red and flustered that he looked away..


He coughed out, uh so anyways.

"Uh, thanks.."

I smirked, he only came closer and oh my god.. Leaned in too?!

"hm, no problem tesoro..~ You should be grateful like a man like me is handing you a water bottle~"  

Dante bragged, motherfucker.. He's so sassy.

I shooked my head as I rolled my eyes, walking away from his in embarrassment. 

"You're embarrassing me.."

"Oh am I~? or you're just blushing~~" 

Oh my god, wish I could tell him to shut the fuck up but obviously that wouldn't do anything would it? 

"Oh humble yourself."

I groaned, getting annoyed of him.. Am I really annoyed?

"Amore Mio!"

He called after me adorably, Maybe I did laugh at that..

"What does that even mean??"

I finally face him, looking up at his dark eyes 

"Ti amo, cazzo, torna sulla luna... Ti amo più della mia popolarità. la mia ricchezza.. Morirò per te, ti prego. Ucciderei per te, ti aspetterei per anni, secoli e decenni. Posso dimostrarti quanto ti amo se me lo permetti, ti amo più di ogni altra cosa"

He smirked

"Figure that out amore mio~"

He blew me a kiss and walked away.. 


Meaning: "I fucking love you, to the moon back.. I love you more than my popularity.. my wealth.. I'll die for you please. I would kill for you, I would wait for you for years, centuries and decades.. I can show you how much I love you if you would let me, I love you more than anything"

𝘙𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘓𝘶𝘴𝘵Where stories live. Discover now