Chapter 1; Dante

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I was so guilty for yelling at her but I didn't want to let go of my pride,

I mean, Who did she think she is accusing me?? 

But then, she was right after all.. I did want to see her skate.

Whatever, I'll fix it tomorrow.

Timeskip to the next day  

I pulled up and fixed my hair that was flatten under my helmet, The screams were physically hurting my ears but I got to go to astori.

I walked down the halls, to try to spot my beautiful girl

Oh, There she is!

"Astori! Look-"

I try to explain and apologized but then astori just pushed past me..


I grit my teeth so hard that I could feel the small bits of it crumble, I fucked up didn't I?

"Astori!! Wait up!!" 

I could feel the dark eyes glancing and staring at me, But I didn't really give two fucks

I grabbed her shoulder and forced her to look up at me,


I panted heavily,

"Look bella, I fucked up okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that."

I gazed at her eyes, practically begging for forgiveness

"...Just..Just leave me alone okay? It wasn't that big of a deal like you said." 

Like I said.

Before I realized she left again, I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration

"Alright fine! I didn't need your ass anyways!" 

I yelled across the hall, Getting her slight attention

I scoffed and stormed the opposite way from that bitch

Fuck, I let my pride take over.

I sat down in the dorm, smoking cigs..

Basically the only thing to get my mind off the problem I created.


I blew the smoke away from my mouth and dropped my head back..

I feel so fucking guilty..

That probably means we're no longer friends.. Just..

Just back to strangers. 

I can't even apologize before her just rushing away from me..

she's doing it on purpose isn't she? 

Bloody hell Dante, Humble yourself.

I groaned,

Shit. What am I supposed to do now?

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