Erik (phantom) x reader prima Donna

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Over two months had passed and though you still had your singing lessons with the phantom almost refused to talk about your arranged wedding with Robin and insisted that his lessons remained focused on singing and singing only. Not that you weren't thankful to the phantom for teaching you, you just would have been more thankful if he had actually for filled his promise to you and stopped this damn wedding. Oh well at least you could sing.

The day you dreaded most had come. After many attempts at trying to get out of is, from running away to pretending to be I'll, you realized that none of them would work. So you decided to do the only thing you could do which was go along with it, after all that was what everyone else seemed to be doing. You were surprised at how many people showed up to your wedding but then you remembered that your farther had made the event open to the public and with the rumors spreading around that the opera ghost may be making a appearance, few people could resist the temptation.

You sighed as you stood in font of the mirror in your wedding dress. A dress which seemed a little too big on you just showing how this was another decision taken out of your hands. Your mother smiled proudly at you as Maids worked hard trying to make the dress fit using pins. You looked back at your mother hopping that she'd see the unhappiness in your face but she didn't and before you knew it you were walking down the aisle, bouquet of flowers in your hand. All eyes on you. A few people whispered to one and other as you walked passed. You felt embarrassed and you hated every moment. Eventually you made it to the alter and stood in front of the man who you would be spending the rest of your life with.

"You look beautiful," he whispered to you, however, you said nothing. The ceremony went as a normal wedding ceremony would. However when you opened your mouth to say the words 'I do' something strange yet wonderful happened.

"I suppose, gentlemen, you find it funny to ignore my waring?" An ominous voice asked. You smiled knowing who it was. So he kept his promise after all, though he did leave it a little late. It was at this moment when one of the lights above the audience gave way and coming crashing down, missing the people below by centimeters.

You gasped as smoke began to fill the room. Another light fell but this time not everyone underneath was so lucky.

You look at your farther for that last time as the smoke completely filled the room. You couldn't see a thing it was si thick that you could barely see your own hand I front of your face. You looked around for someone, anyone, but you feared to move from the spot which you stood. It was at this point that you felt someone grab your hand. At first you thought that it was Robin. The person who grabbed you hand Began to walk, no run, off in a seemingly random direction pulling you with him. However this only made you stumble eventually causing you to fall onto your knees. Once the person saw this they picked you up and started to carry you bridle style to safety.

Once you were out of the smoke you looked up to your savoir and you were surprised to see that it wasn't Robin who saved you, instead it was the phantom.

"Erik?" You questioned. He looked down at you with a slight smile on his face. So he did for fill his promise to you after all. The two of you escaped into the distance as you left the smoke filled room.


It wasn't too long before you arrive at the very place you had been coming to, too practice your singing. The place you would now be referring to as home.

"So when can I go back?" You asked. The phantom looked at you with confusion.

"You can't go back. Because if you do they'll most likely try the wedding again only this time I won't be able to swoop down and save you," he reasoned and he was right after all. Not only would you just end up in the same position you started in but the phantom would also be wanted for kidnapping.

"So what? Am I supposed to just live down here with you forever?" You questioned sounding a little more harsh than you had wanted. Erik just looked at with a sort of dur look. It was somewhat obvious after all, where else would you go? Sighing you sat down on a rock. Realising how uncomfortable that was you moved to another. During all this the phantom gazed longingly at you, something which you almost completely ignored. You couldn't see that the phantom had certain feelings for you.

"I'll get you a change of clothes, unless you wish to say in that." The phantom joked. You smiled at him which made his heart beat faster. He'd do anything for you, anything at all.

He walked into one of his many corridors, this one happened to lead to a wardrobe full of dresses. He had picked each and every single one for you. Along with a few other pieces of clothing which you would be needing later on. He picked a (f/c) dress out and looked at it. It was almost perfect, the colour couldn't help but remind him of you. He brought the dress to you and told you that you could get changed behind that curtain. You nodded walking over there examining the dress further. While you were changing the phantom sat by his piano and began to play a soft gentle tune, something which you couldn't help but hum along to it. You had heard this song before, but where?

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