Phantom x reader angle of music

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As you took a few steps down into the steps into the abyss you cursed under your breath at how stupid and idiotic your actions would see to other people. But right now that didn't matter to you the only thing that matted to you was that man. Your mind was set on one thing and you where to type of person who would achieve the things that they set there mind on. Your heart suddenly stopped when you heard the sound of heavy stone move behind you and whatever little light was in there disappeared into nothing but darkness. You tucked a few strands of your (hair colour) hair behind your ear in an attempt to calm yourself and to some aspect it worked. The only thing that continued to worry you was the fact that you might never be found or that no one would think to look for you down here now that the only entrance had been closed up. No one would know about this passage after all the only way you found it was by chance. However your fears where calmed by the sound of angelic singing. Could this be the man you had seen earlier? A large part of you hoped so and made you want to find out. So you carefully took a step down. Then another. One by one until your eyes adjusted to the darkness then your pass turned into a gleeful skip down the stairs until you reach the bottom and a rather deep looking underground river. Logic didn't cross your mind as you plunged into the cold water which came up past your waste. In your mind you remember somethings your mother said and how she was going to kill you for ruining your new dress. The music Continued to eco through the passage and into your ears. You located which way the music was coming from and headed in that direction. The water was cold and hard to Wade through, your feet continued to get caught in things which you hope was plant life. After a few minutes, which felt like hours, you came to a large opening filled with candles music and other living requirements like a bed. The area was large and the music echoed off the walls, the music which was no longer playing... quickly your eyes diverted to a large organ and a man standing up and looking at you with shock and anger. You where scared. But you didn't know why, your feet where frozen to the ground with some sort of unnatural force which was only broken when the man started to walk towards you. You panicked and began to struggle backwards in a desperate attempt to get away from the man who seems to stride effortless towards you. Suddenly you lost your footing and slipped backwards falling into the murky water. Once again panic set in and you struggled to reach the surface for gasps of air but being denied this gift of life. You felt like you were slipping away and as the cold hand of death grabbed your arm you lost consciousness...

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