Chapter 2 Part 10 'Nap'

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⚠️(TW: Mentions of stalking and depictions of obsessive behavior.)⚠️

Blue was on his phone, looking at recipes on his phone. He had pounds of meat in his fridge, he'll need to get creative with his cooking.

He's been laying here for an hour, but he didn't mind waiting. Cyan wants and needs were important to him, And if his body and mind needed a little sleep-

Then it's all the more time to set his action of finding Pink's passcode out.

What's the best place to find out about someone? Their social media, he downloaded it months ago when he reconnected with Cyan.

He knows Pink, but not enough to know her full name, birthday or possible passwords. Cyan, sure, he memorized all of that a long time ago.

God he should've thought this through a bit more, he acted on anger and not brains. And this was his annoying punishment..

Scrolling, tapping and checking accounts he saw none with her face, none with pictures of her. Sighing he'd figure just finding it out through other means would be easier.

Going to Cyan's account he'd see his latest post, a black screen white white words.

Talking about how sad and sorry he was to lose such a bright classmate and friend. Going on about how Pink was missing, how he found out, how he hopes her family is doing well. Blah blah..

He was about to yawn from how boring the post was until at the very end- A @ of an account..

Why couldn't he see it before, right in front of his face. Pink was following Cyan, just under a different username than her name. 'PinkSkyler279'

What kind of username is that? The pfp was of a white cat with bright blue eyes with a pink collar on. It was sitting on a table staring past the camera at whoever took the picture.

Tapping her name he'd be sent to her account. Blue would use his to scroll down. The last picture was of her on Friday, at the mall with her family.

The caption was something about how she loves her family- Talking about her favorite store. Bleh- Nothing there..

Scrolling further down he'd begin to realize how many posts Pink likes to make. Some of the comments had comments from people he presumed were her friends. How long has this account been active..

But Blue didn't care about that right now- All he wanted was to get into that phone and start the life he deserved from the start. A life with the only person who ever showed him love..

Picture after meaningless picture, poses, pictures of food, cat birthday photos, boring captions. Just a post about how she got her cat a long time ago- How it was probably going to die soon. That was posted weeks ago..

Blue would roll his eyes, scrolling until he reached the end. Nothing about any birthdays, or anything he could use as a password.

Rolling into his side, his back to the couch he'd catch movement behind his phone. Blue was too annoyed to talk to Cyan's parents right now. But it wasn't them, his saving grace instead.

It was Cyan, he was yawning, his hair fluffed up and messy. Blue smiled, watching him walk down the stairs.

Cyan blinked a few times tiredly, rubbing his eyes and walking into the living room. He stretched his back, grunting softly before looking at Blue. "How long was I out..?"

Blue sat up propping his phone on his lap a bit leaned to the right to get a better angle of Cyan as he snapped a picture of him. He'd never seen Cyan with his hair like that.. Cute. Something new to pin on his wall..

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