"So," Saskia dragged out the O. "How d'ya like it?" She stood in the middle of her staircase in a tight leather skirt and fishnets posing for Peter.

"I love it." He responded with a big grin, scanning her up and down.

"I don't know. I kinda feel like a sausage." Peter held in a muffled laughter and reached out his hand to Saskia, which she took with an insecure smile.

"I think you look absolutely beautiful, Sasha." Saskia didn't realise it, but Peter thought she was the most beautiful woman on the entire earth. He could feel her soul light up the space around her. He forcefully, but soft enough as to not hurt her, pulled her against him and wrapped his muscular arms around her middle. "Especially in my arms."

She rubbed her nose against his with a big smile. "You're always so romantic, Mr. Ratajczyk."

"And you're always so pretty, Ms. Weston" He put his hand on her cheek and then took her chin between his fingers and angled her face upwards. His eyes almost hungrily travelled from her eyes to her lips, back and forth. Saskia could feel her heart race just at the thought of kissing Peter again, it raced almost so fast that she felt like it could explode at any moment. "We should probably go now."

"I would rather just stay here. In this moment. Just us." He rubbed his thumb against her cheek as he spoke.

"I would love that, but then who would sing? Josh?" Peter chuckled at her unserious suggestion.

"You know what? I would love to see him try."

The show had went well and afterwards Saskia and the band had shared numerous drinks together. She had tried to keep up with the guys and had drank more than her smaller frame usually allowed her.

"There's something tragic about you." The pair stood on the dark street in between their houses, their faces dimly lit by the street lights. 

"Wow, Sasha. How kind of you." Peter laughed slightly.

"No, I mean that there's this depth to you that I have never seen in another person before. I don't know if I ever will. It's a good thing." He ran the back of his finger over her cool cheek and took in the moment that would soon fleet them by. "I like you, Peter. Like a lot, it's almost ridiculous." Saskia laughed a little at her adolescent-like confession. She knew he already knew but she felt like this moment was the perfect time to put her feelings out there, in the cool summer air.

"I like you too, Sasha, but not in the ridiculous way."

"Then in what way?" She shifted her weight to the other leg and looked up at the man she almost adored with glittering eyes.

"In a way I've never liked anyone before. You're something special." He leaned down, grabbing her chin and tilting her face up. "I like you in a way that will eat me up inside and slowly destroy me." His face was now just inches away from hers and Saskia felt herself aching for his touch, almost needing it like an addict. But, he stayed where he was, his breath creeping on her lips. 

"Kiss me, Peter." He didn't budge. "Please, kiss me. Please." Peter smirked before closing the gap between them. Saskia had heard people comparing kissing someone in a way that made it feel like fireworks went off around them. But when she kissed Peter it felt like a fire was burning inside the very core of her. Peter lit her up inside and she wasn't even sure it was in a healthy way. But that didn't matter. She had got what she had wanted for so long and if it would destroy her in the way Peter thought she would destroy him, she would let it. 

His hands travelled down from her face, feeling every part of her until he finally rested his big hand on her bottom. Suddenly she panicked. In a weird way she felt like it all was going so fast. Sure, she had kissed guys during her college years but it had never gone further than making out on a couch during shabby home parties. "Stop." He pulled away abruptly. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She apologised for her weird and curt decision to pull away, which she regretted the moment she no longer felt his lips on hers. 

"What's wrong, Sasha? Did I do something?" Worry clouded his eyes and Saskia felt awful for telling him to stop. He hadn't done anything wrong obviously and she was right to set some type of boundary for herself, but she didn't know why she needed it.

"I'm, I don't know. I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me." She ran her hand over her face and looked away from his concerned stare.

"Are you not okay with me touching you like that?"

"No, I am. I am. I don't know why I did that." He hushed her quietly and she took a big breath. "I'm just not really experienced." Peters brows furrowed slightly. "With guys." Then, he cracked a smile and Saskia felt relieved that he didn't take offence in her setback.

"We'll take everything in your pace, okay?" He took her face in his hands. "I won't do anything you're not okay with." Saskia nodded and closed her eyes.

"I don't know. I just like you so much, I don't want to ruin it just because I'm so sheltered."

"Sasha baby, just you being mine is enough. I don't need everything all at once." Mine. Saskia felt her heart flip in her chest. She was Peter's.

She stood on her tiptoes and interlocked their lips. She kissed him liked she wouldn't survive without his touch, like he was the air that her lungs needed. 


can yall believe i have already started a sequel to this when i'm not even halfway done and update once every blue moon. delusional.

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