Time for a Change

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Kristen couldn't believe the words that had just come out of her mouth. There she sat, in a soaken wet diaper, asking her best friend to change her.

Rebecca, now feeling more at ease than ever, decided the best way to keep things light-hearted was to keep playing along. "Of course! Just lie down and let Becky handle the rest."

Kristen did as she was told. She lay on her back and waited for the next instruction. But before she could react, Rebecca was tearing the sides of her Goodnites and opening it up, causing goosebumps to form as the cool air hit her wet butt. "It's a good thing you shave. That makes clean-up a lot easier," Rebecca remarked. Kristen covered her face in embarrassment as her friend wiped her clean with baby wipes, making sure to reach deep into her her butt crack and between the lips of her vagina. She felt her legs get lifted in the air pulling her butt off the wet diaper and being wiped clean. As her legs were let back down she slowly uncovered her eyes.

"There you go, all clean." Rebecca said, still in her babysitter tone. "Now, do you want to wear another pull-up, or do you want your big girl panties?"

Kristen felt her embarrassment fade away thanks to Rebecca's casual demeanor. She almost forgot the fact that she was lying on her back with her privates in full view. "Umm... another pull up."

"Alright," Rebecca said, looking back towards her dresser. "Are you gonna wear it to bed?"

Kristen hadn't considered this yet, however she didn't hesitate before answering. "Well yeah. I mean, the whole point of this was to not make you feel alone. You're obviously wearing yours to bed, so I will too."

Rebecca laughed. "Then we'd better use some powder, otherwise it'll get pretty uncomfortable."

"Oh, ok," Kristen said as Rebecca reached into her top drawer and took out a bottle of baby powder. She watched in wonder as her best friend sprinkled powder over her area and used her hands to spread it over every bit of her body that would soon be covered by a diaper. It was a level of intimacy she had never shared before, and she was so happy with the level of trust they had developped. Once she was properly covered in powder, Rebecca slid a fresh pull-up up her legs until it was just below her butt. Then, with just a simple word, "Up," Rebecca grabbed her hands and helped her to her feet. She then pulled the Goodnites the rest of the was up and adjusted the leak guards, making sure her friend was fully protected.

"There you go!" Rebecca said as she slapped the residual powder from her hands. Kristen sat back down, giggling at the cloud of baby powder that erupted from her diaper as she hit the floor.

Kristen almost seemed to have regressed to a younger version of herself. She wasn't sure what this experience was doing to her, but she was loving every minute of it. "Can I change you now? She asked Rebecca with a twinkle in her eyes.

Rebecca hesitated for a moment, but seeing the look in Kristen's eyes, and considering the incredible support she was getting from her friends, she decided to oblige. "Sure, if you want!" she said as she lay on her back.

"Now it's Krissy's turn to take care of you!" Kristen said, mimicking Rebecca's babysitter demeanor. She did just as Rebecca had just done, wiping her clean, powdering her and helping her into a fresh diaper.

Once they were done, they looked over at Amber, who had been watching quietly. Rebecca broke the silence. "Hey, you said we could all be weird together. Is this more than you signed up for?"

Amber laughed softly. "You haven't lost me yet. Although, if you don't mind, I think I'm going to change myself.

Rebecca remembered Amber's earlier confession. "Of course, no problem. You can go do it in the bathroom if you want. Just don't flush the wipes. I learned that the hard way."

"I won't," Rebecca said said as she stood up. She paused for moment before quietly asking, "Can you get me another pull-up?"

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Rebecca felt bad for making her need to ask. "Here, take this too," she added, handing her the baby powder, wipes and a fresh Goodnites.

"Thanks," Amber said shyly before leaving the room. She returned a few minute later with the wipes and powder in one hand and her rolled up wet pull-up in the other. "What do I do with this?" she asks, her cheeks turning bright red.

"Just put it in there with the other ones," Rebecca said, pointing to her trash can, which now had two wet pull-ups in it.

"Well this has definitely been an interesting evening" Amber said with a stretch and a yawn, "but I think I'm ready for bed."

Kristen and Rebecca echoed her yawn as they looked at the clock. "Holy shit, it's 3 in the morning!" Kristen yelled in surprise. The three of them looked around at the snack bowls and juice glasses scattered around the room. "We'll deal with those tomorrow," Rebecca said, switching off the light. No one contested, and the three girls climbed into Rebecca's queen size bed, still in nothing but their pajama tops and Goodnites.

After a minute in the darkness, Rebecca broke the silence. "Hey guys? I know we said enough sappy stuff... but I love you guys."

"I love you too Becca," Amber responded. After a few seconds of silence, they heard soft snoring coming from Kristen. Amber decided to speak on her behalf. "We love you too, Becca." The two shared a brief exhausted laugh before falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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