Vergin 🔞

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Warning this can be unpleasant so sensitive hearts please skip till you see this emoji "⏸️"

Jimin walks farward, standing in front of the weak defenceless man yoongi also comes behind jimin putting his head on jimin's shoulder making jimin's body tense up.

Yoongi : give him a knife and gloves

Yoongi ordered one of the thugs with a wide smirk on his lips and in no time they followed the order handing him a knife and the gloves which jimin accepted with a shaking hand no matter how hard he try to control his body the nervousness and pressure is not letting him but still he somehow managed to slip his hand inside those gloves.

Sokwong : suga you will regret this.

The powerless man says with a little laugh jimin is surprised that the man holds no fear to lose his life he has heard their conversation but still no fear no regret it makes jimin stare at him dumbfounded no matter how much someone hates his life but still facing death like it's nothing is something jimin never heard or imagined I mean how could he talk back when he supposed to beg for his life? Jimin gulp and tilt his head a little to see if yoongi is shocked too or not but no he is just smirking it makes jimin wonder that it is probably not the first time he is seeing such an attitude.

Yoongi : once you die there will be no regret

Yoongi speaks as he straightens up his posture and grabs the chin of the poor man.

Yoongi : you fucking dare to call my father a coward now face the consequences fucker.

Yoongi's sentence made jimin shocked yoongi is killing him just because he called his father a coward? Seriously? Can that even be reason to kill someone? It got Jimin wondering if yoongi got to know about jimin's intentions then what he will do with him? He can only guess that it will be so fucking brutal maybe something more than that fucking metal pear if there is anything more cruel exists on this fucking planet.

Sokwong : I know it's not the reason but *chuckle* I have to say your father is much better than you, you are just a crazy hot headed bastard.

That's it yoongi place a hard puch on his face it was so hard that jimin can guarantee that sokwong probably have a broken teeth now but what actually scare him is yoongi's serious face it scares him to his core a fear that he might be next

Yoongi : let's end this fast park.

Jimin : master can't we just cut his neck?

Jimin questions in a hope that he might have some mercy if not on that man then on him.

Yoongi : no I want to see some art so show me now don't fucking waste the time and come forward

Yoongi says in a strict tone his mood is already spoiled because of the man in front of him.

Jimin : as you say master.

Yoongi walks back while jimin steps forward now he is just in front of the man who is staring at his soul with rage but he knows it's useless to say something but it's making it hard for jimin to move he knows he has to slice his neck but his body is refusing to move yoongi comes stand behind jimin and whispers in his ear.

Yoongi : fast

Jimin : yes master.

Yoongi : grab his stupid head in place.

Yoongi says to the thugs and they do their job perfectly one of them grabs the hair of the man and pulls his head backward giving jimin enough space to cut without any problem.

Jimin presses his lips together and tightens his grip on the sharp knife and takes a deep breath it's do or die situation and with no doubt he is not planning to die so he will do.

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