
369 17 16

(for this chapter sorry in advance for making you all read shit but don't worry just 2 more chapters then we are done)

(Ignore the spelling and grammar mistakes I don't come from a white breed🗿)

Jimin : yes master.

Yoongi led him inside the building and soon they got to see whom they are waiting for so long, Jimin thought yoongi is gonna shoot him right away but no he goes towards the table he is sitting there is no one there except them as if the boy after accepted his fate already, yoongi goes and seats infront of him jimin chose to stand behind him.

Yoongi : after a while brother.

Dohyun : I knew that you will found me.

Yoongi chuckle and Play with the rings he is wearing.

Yoongi : I don't what I could do if you are stupid enough to think you can fuck with me.

Dohyun : I already did.

Before a smirk approach his lips Jimin point the gun on his head.

Jimin : watch your mouth before speaking.

He speaks in his firm voice as his siren eyes dig right into his soul but the other man seems to be unbothered by it.

Yoongi : not so soon jimin.

Yoongi says with a mysterious smile on his face jimin lower his gun.

Dohyun : I thought humans are the best but I guess bogs are better.

Jimin clinch his jaw as he hears him if he could he probably blow his head with his gun but he can't.

Yoongi : at least dogs are loyal but anyways I don't wanna waste time.

Yoongi says as he leans back on the chair pulling out his own gun and place it in front on him the other man looks at him in confusion.

Yoongi : I know you don't deserve it but go kill yourself as my brother I am giving you a chance to die with respect.

Dohyun : sucied is women's way to die.

Yoongi : then I should say women know how to die with respect, not letting anyone the enjoyment of their death.

Yoongi explains his point yet the other man still doesn't seem to agree with him.

Dohyun : I am not committing suicide yoongi.

He says calmly making yoongi sigh he again look into his eyes.

Yoongi : I give you a chance but you don't listen Jimin do you remember what you promised me?

Jimin : huh?

Yoongi give him a grin which makes Jimin even more confused.

Yoongi : his head.

Jimin didn't say anything yes he made that promise by himself but it wasn't like he was curtained about it that time it was more a reflex of the moment his angry spoke that time not him but is there is anyway he can turn away from his words no Jimin always have given yoongi everything he wants rather it's some dead bodies or his he never go against him so now he can't either.

While the other man is staring at them in confusion yoongi spoke like a silent whisper more like a secret which meant to be shared to only him and jimin yet Dohyun is not really afraid it's not like he doesn't know what is coming for him but do he has regrets no all he wants to broken the corporation down and he did it successfully now the prince charming is on the target Dohyun know his death has come but he also knows so do yoongi's.

Jimin : as you say master.

Jimin pull out his gun and shoot him on the shoulders making the chair fall down he walks towards the screaming man and again shoot him on his legs making him defenseless he doesn't want him to desturb him, jimin place the gun on the table he pull the knife out of his sleeve. Yoongi is watching all the dead game with a grin on his lips moreover like it is giving his the pleasure.

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