Terror is coming

315 20 12

(ignore my spelling and grammar mistakes English is not my first language on the top of that I am lazy to correct it🗿)

Yoongi : see.

Jimin first looks at yoongi and then in the photos there is a man whose head seems to be bursted his one eyeball in the bed the wall and bed sheet is covered in blood Jimin has to admin this is the most disgusting thing he has seen so far.

Jimin : so park woo is dead.

A wide grin approaches yoongi's lips as if he is very proud of the fact and yes he surely is.

Yoongi : you are smart.

Jimin : his son should join the list soon.

Yoongi : he will after all he is the reason he got shot so he has to face the consequences.

Jimin : I will chop his head off.

Yoongi looks at jimin with a smirk he can see the bubbling angry in his calm voice

Yoongi : don't forget your promise.

Jimin : I won't.

Jimin confirms with a bold tone being sure of his words only he knows how much angry he is on the fact that he got shot because of that fucker.

Yoongi : btw I forgot to tell mommy wants to meet you.

Jimin turns his head towards yoongi aggressively as a lot of questions hit him.

Jimin : why?

Yoongi : she doesn't tell me I was supposed to tell you this yesterday but I forgot.

Jimin : umm but still why?

Yoongi : I don't know, she just told me that she wants to meet you.

Jimin has a lot more to say yet he chooses not to be knows argument won't work he has to deal with the situation.

Jimin : so when we are leaving?

Yoongi : this evening.

Jimin : fine.


Jimin's blood pressure is rising up as the car is slowly reaching its destination Jimin sees the passing by trees outside it's been half an hour since yoongi is driving for sure his parents doesn't live in Seoul.

Yoongi : don't take tansion.

An urge to question yoongi "how?" Hit him yet he stays quiet Family meetings are not something Jimin like they are always filled with awkwardness and pressure he doesn't like it.

Jimin : hmm.

Few more minutes pass by and now he can see a huge mansion yoongi park the car.

Yoongi : we are here.

Without saying anything Jimin steps outside with a messed up mind, he wait for yoongi to come out.

Yoongi : let's go.

He orders as he holds jimin's hand making him turn his head towards him, holding hands is not what yoongi usually do on the top of that he wants to keep this meeting professional rather than like he is going to meet his in-laws which is not going to happen anyway.

Soon they enter inside and his dad come in their way he seems to be going out somewhere jimin look at him and give him a bow.

Jimin : good evening sir.

Kwang : good evening park.

He says with a little smile which was enough to creep Jimin out he doesn't know why but nowadays smiley faces are not looking so pleasant to his eyes yet he doesn't say anything and return the smile, then the man walks out he seems to be in a hurry Jimin ignore it and continue to walk with yoongi who leads him in the hall, when he opens the door jimin's heart beat seems to stop he is freaking nervousness but as always he is a great actor he maintains his poker face very well.

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