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"Sam Da!" shouted Joo Sunja, as she raced up the stairs of the amphitheater and tossed Do Haeyi a pastry

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"Sam Da!" shouted Joo Sunja, as she raced up the stairs of the amphitheater and tossed Do Haeyi a pastry. Behind Sunja was an out of breath Kang Chaewon. The youngest out of the three was hunched over as her two best friends cheered over the pastry.

Minutes later the three were sitting down having their snacks. Haeyi eyed Sunja's bread, making Sunja groan and give up her sweet pastry. Chaewon stared at her own cream bun and silently handed it to Sunja who seemed disappointed about the loss of her bread.

"Aw! This is why I like you better Chaewon," exclaimed Sunja, patting the girl's head as she glared at Haeyi who shrugged and continued to eat.

"Haeyi, you should slow down," suggested Chaewon, referring to the girl who was eating like there was no tomorrow.

"Aish, Sam Da you're the same as always," huffed Sunja. "Can you try to be an intellectual now that you're a college student?"

Once all of the girls finished with their snacks, they decided to go explore their new school's campus.

The three of them goofed around and ran around the campus, until they saw Haeyi's boyfriend, Lee Jaehyeok. Almost immediately, Haeyi ran to hide.

"You haven't told him yet?" asked Sunja, making Haeyi whisper back to her that she will.

Chaewon watched as Jaehyeok continued to talk to his friend, not even noticing the three girls. Her eyes trailed a bunch of other students, until they stopped on two boys who stood not too far from them, well more like one who caught her eye.

She had to admit, he was quite cute. She was thinking about going up to him and introducing herself, the extrovert she was, even though she was the quietest out of the three, until she realized what he was staring at. Well, more like who he was staring at.

She followed his line of vision, only to end up at Do Haeyi. To say Chaewon was used to this would be an understatement. In the past, many guys who she liked only ended up using her to get close with Haeyi, although she would never admit it aloud.

"Sam Da!" said Sunja, trying to get Haeyi's attention. "Let's go! Breakfast is on me!"

"Let's go," replied Haeyi, as Sunja grabbed both Chaewon and Haeyi's arms to rush to eat.

"I want to eat tteokbokki," stated Haeyi.

"Me too!" agreed Chaewon.

"I met a nutcase! A nutcase!" shouted Haeyi, as she came running towards Chaewon and Sunja who sat on a bench together.

"He covered my body with a newspaper and even my face. He thinks he's Prince Charming, wearing some weird, tacky get up you wouldn't wear even if someone paid you," rambled Haeyi.

"Excuse me," said a male voice, startling both Haeyi and Chaewon.

"You startled me," scolded Sunja, as the three girls stared up at the guy in front of them.

"Look at him!" exclaimed Haeyi, freaking out.

"Woah, Haeyi, you're right," whispered Chaewon, "he does look weird."

"Are you always like that?" asked the guy, who was in some weird blue costume or uniform.

"What do you mean?" asked Haeyi, responding to his question with another question.

"Bad mouthing people without knowing them," he said, sternly. "Are you always like that? This is our cheer uniform, a legacy. I wore this for our Cheer OT, not because I'm nuts.

Chaewon zoned out at the random dude rambling on and on about manners until Haeyi and Sunja suddenly stood up.

She watched as Sunja covered Haeyi's mouth to prevent her from talking any more. Chaewon sighed and shook her head at her dear friend.

"Let's go," she said, standing up and walking towards a vending machine.

Eventually they were sat at a table in the shade, Sunja and Chaewon taking selfies together as Haeyi continued to rant about what the guy told her.

"But hey, it seemed like the Cheer Squad uniform," said Sunja.

"I'm pretty sure he did say it was the cheer uniform," mumbled Chaewon.

"Cheer Squad?" questioned Haeyi.

"Come on," said Sunja, grabbing the girls and running off to wherever. It turns out that Sunja dragged the girls to the auditorium where Theia, the Cheer Squad was going to perform.

"We're Theia, Cheer Squad of Yonhee University," introduced the random guy from earlier.

In the middle of the performance Haeyi ran off to go to the bathroom. Seeing the performance excited Chaewon, she wanted to be a part of something like this. She looked to Sunja and they made eye contact nodding in agreement. They were going to try out for Theia.

After the performance ended, Chaewon went to find Haeyi since she was gone for a while.

"Haeyi-ah!" called Chaewon, spotting her in the hallway. Chaewon ran over to her friend, finally noticing who she was talking to. The boy that she thought was cute from earlier.

"If you keep following me, I'm going to scream," Haeyi said to the tall boy. Chaewon was confused since she only caught the end of their conversation.

"Let's go Chaewon," said Haeyi, grabbing the girl's hand and dragging her away from the boy. As she got pulled away, Chaewon turned her head and stared at the boy, maintaining eye contact.

Chaewon tilted her head in confusion as he laughed and said something to himself. She shook her head and turned around.

Chaewon and Haeyi stood outside, Haeyi leaning against the tree.

"He's coming," whispered Chaewon, nudging Haeyi who looked up from her phone. Haeyi pulled Chaewon with her as she marched up to her boyfriend, who had spotted the two.

"Do Haeyi? What happened to you? You went off the grid and didn't answer your phone," asked Jaehyeok, before nodding his head toward Chaewon in acknowledgement.

"Who is she?" asked a guy, who Chaewon assumed was a classmate or friend, "Your girlfriend?"

"Lee Jaehyeok," started Haeyi, "Let's break up." Chaewon held Haeyi's hand and squeezed, to let her know that she was there for her.

"What?" asked Jaehyeok, looking quite shocked.

"I tried to hold back, but you're too small," added Haeyi, keeping her cool, and looking down to add effect to what she said. Chaewon held back her laugh and covered her mouth with her free hand, completely shocked at her choice of words.

"Your heart that is," Haeyi continued.

A small crowd formed around them and Chaewon finally noticed the cute guy again. He stood behind Jaehyeok and let out a small laugh at Haeyi's words.

"And to be honest, I'm too much for you to handle right?" said Haeyi. "Let's go Won-ah."

Chaewon and Haeyi walked away from the scene and Chaewon led her to a secluded spot in the school. As soon as they were alone, Haeyi crouched down, crying.

Chaewon crouched down with her and pulled Haeyi into her embrace.

"It's okay," she whispered, patting Haeyi's head. "You're okay." Chaewon's heartstrings tugged at the sound of Haeyi's sobbing.

Suddenly Chaewon perked up at the sound of footsteps, she looked up and saw the cute guy again. He silently handed her a box of tissues for Haeyi to use.

"Thanks," Chaewon said softly, before turning her attention to her heartbroken friend. Boys could wait. 

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