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When the trio walked towards practice, Chaewon could already sense the tense atmosphere

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When the trio walked towards practice, Chaewon could already sense the tense atmosphere. Sunja and Chaewon greeted the group, barely receiving any replies.

The pair shared confused glances before putting their things down. Haeyi sat beside Chaewon, staring blankly ahead.

The squad was lined up as usual when Jungwoo called out to Haeyi.

"Do Haeyi," the captain started, "About yesterday, I believe you need to explain yourself."

Haeyi looked confused for a moment, then said, "Oh, that...my work schedule as a replacement coincided with the training time. I'm sorry."

"A stroke of luck in training can lead to accidents," replied Jungwoo. "Would you be okay if someone else gets hurt because of you? Lying and not attending practice is an act of cheating others, and will not be tolerated. If your priorities lie elsewhere, it would be better for you to quit."

Everyone looked up in surprise.

"So we don't waste each other's time," finished Jungwoo.

"I'm sorry," replied Haeyi, head down.

"I didn't say this to hear you give us an irresponsible apology," said Jungwoo. "I am asking if you're able to be a part of the cheerleading squad."

"I will make sure this never happens again," answered Haeyi, seeming to be on the verge of tears. Chaewon looked over in concern, desperately wanting to comfort Haeyi.

"I think you should say that to your teammates who were affected," stated Jungwoo, looking away from her.

Haeyi turned to the group, bowing her head deeply, clearly embarrassed, "I'm sorry. I'll make sure this never happens again."

Nobody said anything, clearly uncomfortable.

"We'll start training in ten minutes," said Jungwoo, turning away.

Almost immediately, Chaewon approached Haeyi grabbing her hands to make her focus.

"Are you okay?" asked Chaewon, wiping Haeyi's tears.

"Will he bleed blue if we piece him? Why is he being so strict?" questioned Sunja, clearly annoyed.

"I'll be back after a drink of water," said Haeyi.

"Should we go with you?" asked Sunja.

"No, it's okay," reassured Haeyi, walking away. Sunja and Chaewon turned to each other in concern and got ready for practice.

Haeyi didn't return to practice for a bit, making the two best friends anxious. When the two told Jungwoo they wanted to leave so they could go search for her, he denied it, saying that he himself will go look for her.

Midway through practice, Jungwoo and Haeyi came back and practice continued until late night.

"The two members to perform at the pep rally will be based on the physical test," announced Jungwoo, the next morning.

"6,000 meters. 15 laps around the field," added Woonchan. The squad looked around in shock.

The race started, Haeyi in front with Sunho following her. It was hell. Chaewon tried, she truly did. But her lungs definitely could not handle it.

The winners were Haeyi and Sunho.

"There will be a separate training session for the two of you," stated Jungwoo. Haeyi stared at him in exhaustion before laying back down.

The trio was currently eating lunch with Jungwoo. They had run into each other and urged him to join them.

"Hi," greeted Sunho, who magically appeared with Yongil following behind him. "You must be feeling better," said Sunho, to Haeyi.

Chaewon had become distracted from their initial conversation, focused on stealing short glances at Sunho who sat away from her.

Later that day the squad was gathered in their meeting room again. The members were informed about the diss battle against Hokyung University at the joint pep rally. As the members complained about having to come up with lyrics, they were forced to get ready for actual practice.

The trio entered the stage area with much enthusiasm in comparison to the others. They ran in singing, then stopped in front of Jungwoo.

"Hello! Our van is ready right?" asked Haeyi.

"Where's our manager?" continued Sunja.

"Where is he? Where is he?" the three asked in unison with exaggerated motions.

"Go," said Jungwoo, tired from the three's antics.

"Yes, sir," they replied, saluting to him before running away to greet the others. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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