Chapter 1

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"Dad!" Lizzie shouts as she runs after Alaric as he slides across the floor. Josie turns and watches in horror as her dad hits the wall behind on the other side of the room. "Josie! Help me!" Hope reaches out to her. She quickly grabs her hand and siphons her. "Chant with me." Hope starts chanting a spell that Josie never heard of, she quickly follows as she siphons more magic from her. "Oh, such a lovely couple. I'm gonna do you both a favor." The creature chants some foreign language before they both collapse on the floor. "Jo!" Lizzie hurries to her twin's side as Alaric shoots her with her crossbow. The woman holds her shoulder before glaring at him. "I'll be back!" She vanishes into thin air.

"Josie! Hope!" Alaric rushes to their side. "MG!" He shouts. MG vamps in with Kaleb close behind him. Jed and the others follow suit, rubbing their injuries away. MG listens in on their heartbeats. "They're still alive." Alaric carries Josie. "Ok, let's get them to bed before they wake up with a massive headache." MG nods and carries Hope before following Alaric. MG sets Hope down in her room, while Alaric sets Josie down in her and Lizzie's. "Is she gonna be ok dad?" Lizzie asks behind him. "She'll be fine, i'm sure of it." Alaric sighs as he waits for a while before leaving the room and checking on Hope. He knocks and waits for an answer, when he doesn't get one, he walks in and sees her still sleeping. He walks over to check she doesn't have any injuries, at least not any severe ones that her super healing hasn't healed yet. When he sees none, he sighs and turns to leave when something on Hope's wrist catches his eye.

 When he sees none, he sighs and turns to leave when something on Hope's wrist catches his eye

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"What the hell is that?" He mumbles to himself. He makes a mental note before leaving and heading to his office. He quickly searches for his book of ancient symbols on one of the bookshelves. When he finally finds it, he quickly grabs it and turns the pages. When he finally finds it, he searches what it could mean. "Ancient viking symbols." He reads. As half the book is written in viking wording, he was disappointed that he couldn't figure out what it meant. "Viking...." He whispered to himself. He quickly takes a picture and sends it to Freya Mikaelson. "Dad!" He hears Lizzie's footsteps. "Josie's awake!" He quickly drops the book on his desk and follows Lizzie to her room. He sighs in relief as he sees her sitting in bed. "Oh, what the hell happened? And why does my head hurt like a bitch?" Josie holds her head. "Well, you kinda took that spell, whatever the hell it was, like a bitch. No offense, sis." Lizzie shrugs. "Gee, thanks Lizzie." Josie glares at her. Alaric doesn't hear any of it as he stares at the symbol on Josie's wrist. The same symbol that was on Hope's. "Come on, let's have the nurse check you out and then grab some food, yeah?" Lizzie helps her up and walks her to the nurses office. Alaric's phone vibrates and he grabs it out of his pocket, nearly having a heart attack the message that just came in.

Freya Mikaelson - Why did you send me a picture of the viking symbol for marriage?

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