Chapter 3

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Hope and Alaric didn't end up heading back until the next morning, with not one but two new guests. Rafael, the newly triggered wolf, and Landon, his foster brother and Hope's old friend. "So, you two know each other?" Alaric asks them in the car. Landon nods. "We danced, once." "We tried." Hope points. Her and Alaric share a look. Makes sense, considering technically Hope's still married to Josie until they figure out how to undo it. Hope slightly shakes her head. Basically a signal saying 'not now'.

They arrive at the school shortly. The twins walk up to greet the new student. "You girls go ahead, we'll take Landon here up to my office." Alaric smiles at them. "Good morning girls!" Hope smiles. "More like despair." Lizzie mumbles. "Lizzie!" Josie whispered. "I'm kidding, i mean, she's technically my in-law, i have no choice but to tolerate her." Lizzie rolls her eyes. "Shh!" Josie glances at Hope and smiles. "See you later?" She asks. Hope nods. "Definitely." Landon, barely paying attention as he's looking around the building, does notice the quiet moment between them before he follows Alaric inside. Hope watches as Lizzie and Josie take Rafael inside before she too follows Alaric to his office.

As he tries his best to break down the school and what goes on inside of it, Landon suddenly demands answers. "I'm sorry but I don't know you, i haven't seen you in months and next thing i know you're whammy-ing some priest, so forgive me if i choose not to trust you at the moment." "Look, we know it's a lot to take in. But I've been going here since i was seven years old. This is a safe place for people like Rafael." Hope assures him. "So what kind of school is this? I mean, word on the street is this some place for troubled rich kids." Landon asks. "That's our cover in case the town ever gets curious. But ultimately, this is a magic school for kids vampires, witches and wolves, like your friend." Alaric pulls out Rafael's file. Landon looks at Hope. "So what are you?" He asks. Hope sighs. "I better go. Josie's actually waiting for me." Alaric nods. "No, no, no, where are you going?" Landon asks. "Don't worry, she'll still be around. For now, i need you to answer some questions for me." Alaric nods for Hope to leave. Hope quickly makes her exit and goes to find Josie.

She finds herself at her door, praying Lizzie isn't inside, as she knocks. "Come in!" She hears before turning the knob. "Hey!" She smiles as she sees Josie sitting on her bed. "Hey, how was it showing Rafael around the school?" Hope closes the door and walks towards her. Josie nods. "It was alright, i think Lizzie was trying to flirt with him but she kinda put her foot in her mouth." Hope cringes. "Well, I'm sure everything will work out. I mean, i don't really know him but if she really likes him, he must be a good guy." Josie nods. "He is, he seems kinda troubled, but i didn't wanna ask." She pauses for a moment. "I saw Penelope earlier today." She finally confesses. Hope nods and sits down beside her. "I had a feeling you were hiding something." Josie shakes her head. "Nothing happened. I mean, i wouldn't do that to you. We're married. Kind of. I just....i saw her and i-" She sighs. Hope grabs her hand. "I get it. You don't have to explain anything. As of right now, I'm not sure what i would do if i saw my ex."

Josie's face suddenly turns serious. "I do, i would set him on fire." Hope stared at her. "Why?" She asked. "I mean, i know it wasn't exactly his fault but you did lose your mom cause of him." Josie looks at their hands. "I know, but i never blamed him. He was brainwashed by his mom, who by the way, was a literal Nazi." Hope squeezes her hand. "I know, i know. It just- i'm sorry about what happened to her." Josie sighs. "Yeah, me too." Hope quickly wipes a tear. "Hey, are you crying?" Josie lifts her chin. "It's nothing." Hope shakes her head and turns away as she wipes away more tears. "It's not nothing. She was your mom. I mean, Lizzie and i miss our mom too, but at least we get to see her on occasions....i'm sorry about your dad too." Hope only smiles and holds her hand.

As their hands touch, the markings on their wrists start to glow. "What's happening?" Josie asks. "I don't know." Hope shakes her head. The glow slowly dies out as they both let go. "Maybe we should check in with my dad." Josie suggests. Hope nods as they both make their way to his office as the sun starts to go down. Have they really been talking for that long? Hope thought. Josie knocks before opening the door. "Dad?" "Girls, everything ok?" Alaric asks. They both notice that he and Lizzie are sitting on the floor with candles around them. "Oh, are we interrupting something?" Hope asks. "Yes, Hope. You are." Lizzie snarks. "Lizzie stop! I was the one that opened the door." Josie tells her. "What did you need?" Alaric asks them. "Um, our markings glowed for a second. We don't know what it means." Hope shows her wrist, while Josie shows hers, both of which have gone back to normal already.

"Hm, let me see what i can find out right now." He pulls out his phone and starts texting someone. "So, what have you two lovebirds been up to today?" Lizzie teases. "Lizzie.." Josie warns her. "What?" Lizzie plays innocent. "Stop." Josie mouths. "Oh nothing, i was just about to have my way with your sister when this happened." Hope shows her glowing tattoo on her wrist. Lizzie holds back her bile before turning to her with a look of disgust on her face. "Excuse me?!" "What? You asked, i was simply answering your question." Hope smirks. "You know what? Nevermind, don't ever tell me anything, ever again." Lizzie shakes her head. "Well, maybe that will teach you to not be nosy anymore." Hope teases. "Consider my lesson, learned." Lizzie shuddered. "Calm down, we didn't even do anything." Josie assures her. "Mhm." Lizzie raises her eyebrow. "We didn't! We-" Alaric hangs up. "So, i have some good news and i have some bad news, depending on how you look at it." They all turn to him. "What news?" Hope asks. "Well, i asked your aunt Freya about what's going on." Alaric tells her. "And?" Hope presses. "She's coming to visit."

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