"The kings servant"

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      Far across from mobious, there lived a kingdom, a kingdom filled with darkness, inside lived a king, his name is shadow, king shadow, he wanted to rule the world and have it on the palm of his hand, he lived for power, but, there's people ou...

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      Far across from mobious, there lived a kingdom, a kingdom filled with darkness, inside lived a king, his name is shadow, king shadow, he wanted to rule the world and have it on the palm of his hand, he lived for power, but, there's people out there that wanted to stop him from reaching his potential goal, and he hated it, so he would always have his guards go out and stop anyone that would try to get in his way. Shadow's people always lived to serve their king, to anyone who dare or wishes to go against him will suffer the consequences, sometimes meaning death.
    Though it was fun being king and have everyone fear you and take control over everyone and everything, he has his boredoms. He mostly does the same thing everyday, it's getting tiring, he wants to do something different, but what? Something caught Shadow's eye and he turned his head to see what it was. It was one of his servants, sonic was his name, he started working for shadow a little over a few months ago, he was an average height blue hedgehog, he cleans and sometimes cooks for the king. Shadow, has some sort of fascination for him, he's quite cute and has a beautiful body, shadow favorites him.
Sonic's pov.
    Before i worked for the king i was a desperate begger on the streets, i was able to take any food i could find and just run for it, i was known to be the fastest thing alive, nobody knew the food thief was me the entire time, i don't mean to be a thief, i just need to survive thats all. Until one day the King's royal guards set up a trap for the thief that has been getting away with stealing the food. So i did what i usually do and stole a piece of bread and i ran for the hills, only to immediately find out that it was a trap, i heard a rope snap and a bunch of boxes fell over in front of me and started spilling out this type of oil, causing me to slip! I slid down the street and crashed into a pile of barrels, the guards were able to catch me, they grabbed me and dragged me off to the castle. I was a little light headed due to the crash so it took me a minute to realize what was happening. I was terrified. "Oh chaos, what are they gonna do to me?! Will they lock me up? Sentence me to death?!". Or worse... "ARE THEY GONNA CHOP OFF MY LEGS?!". I was terrified, thinking the worse was about to come.
    We made it to the throne room, where in the middle was a throne, a pretty big one, it looked like it was made out of some type of black marble with dark red cushions, and sitting on it was the king. He looked quite tall, he was a black hedgehog with red streaks, he quickly took notice that i was staring, he smirked. " Tell me, why in chaos did you bring this filthy peasant into my castle?"
Pov over.
"My king, my deepest apologies for bringing such a mess into your humble home, but we were able to finally catch the thief that has been stealing food for a couple of weeks now, I'm sure you were aware of this thief?" . Shadow stared at the guard with his sharp Ruby eyes. "Oh really? It finally took you this long to catch a thief? HAH! how pathetic, he must've been quite a fast creature for you huh?" he said as he crossed his legs and rested his arm on the arm rest of the throne. The guard sounded a little nervous. "Well uh.. Y-yes my king he was indeed very fast, p-perhaps the fastest creature we as the royal guards had ever saw!" shadow squinted his eyes over to the peasant, who was on his knees, his head down and has a hood over his head, covering his face. "Hmm.. You,peasant, take of your hood and let me see your face properly." he demanded. Sonic was a little Hesitatant, but he sat himself up, and pulled down his hood, he looked up at him, his emerald eyes meeting his ruby one's."hmm, interesting... " shadow thought to himself. "Come here hedgehog. " he said has he finger gestured for sonic to come to him.
Sonic was hesitant at first, but he got up and walked over to him, standing in front of the three steps to his throne. "Closer hedgehog" he demanded. His voice raised a little causing the blue one to flinch a little, but he did as he was told and walked on the three steps, now very close to the king himself. Shadow leaned forward and gripped sonics chin tightly and pulled him close, now face to face, their noses only a few inches apart. "So, you think you can just come to MY village, and just take whatever the fuck you want and try to get away with it? Hehe, well then blue, if you want food, you have to work for it" he said with a malicious smirk. He could tell sonic was trembling under him, he liked that, he should be intimidated by him." W-work for it?" sonic said with a crack in his voice." oh yes hedgehog, I'll have you work for me, I'll have you scrub my floors till your hands cramp, dust my shelves, I'll have you shine all of my soldiers armor, I'll have you work till your bones CRACK and SNAP." he said as he got up from his seat and dragged him down the steps, still having a tight grip on his chin, and tossed him to his soldiers." take him to the washroom, have my maids clean him and get him out of those disgusting clothes and put him in fresh ones, then... Get him to work" he said as he walked past the guards, they both gripped sonic by the arms and dragged him off. " what... In the world of chaos... Did i get myself into.. " sonic thought to himself.
[Flashback over.]
Sonic has been working for shadow for 8 months now, he's been quite loyal to him, even though shadow is not a very nice man, but he grew a soft spot for sonic, one time shadow was over working himself, barley sleeping, he was in his study looking through his papers while sonic was sweeping outside the room, he soon heard a thud and jumped a little, sonic peeked his head inside the room, he then quickly noticed that shadow was on the floor on his hands and knees, he looked shaky, sonic quickly ran into the room and went over to him. " sh-shadow! Are you ok?!" he went down to help him up but shadow quickly slapped his hand away. He growled and stared daggers at him. " who gave you permission to touch me? I don't need your help hedgehog, i can... I can help myself... " he said through small pauses. He's so drowsy he can barely finish a sentence. Sonic stared at him, then his eyes went down in an angry manner, he went down and grabbed him and pulled him up from the ground, shadow didn't expect the sudden roughness, he turned to yell at him but sonic immediately beat him to it. " listen grumps! You're so exhausted you can't even stand up straight or finish a sentence! I don't care if you don't want to be touched by me I'm still going to help you! So shut up! " sonic said while he has his arms around shadow, keeping him up. Shadow was actually shocked that his own servant raised his voice at him. " please, let me help you, my king" shadow blushed at that, he'd never expected him to sound so demanding! But he listened and had sonic walk him to his room. As they made it to shadows room, sonic layed him down on his bed, he took his crown off and set it to the side, sonic sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him with a soft expression in his eyes. "You rest, ill make you some soup cause i also noticed you've barley ate anything at all today!" shadow just stared at him, then he looked away with a grunt. "Thank you..." was all he mumbled out. Sonic looked at him, then smiled. "You're welcome" he said as he got up and left his room. Shadow will never forget that memory, why would sonic help a crual man like himself? He's too soft, he See's good in everything and one day it'll get him killed. He feels like he needs to... Protect him... It makes his blood boil to imagine the dangers sonic would get himself into. "Oh chaos" shadow thought to himself as he covered his face with his arm. "I think I'm in love with my own servant". Shadow thought. There's just something about that blue blur and he can't say in words, he's beautiful, he's elegant, he's too naive, he's a utter fool... He's so gorgeous. Shadow leaned himself up against the wall, clenching his chest, his heart pounding, he's never fallen for anyone this badly! He just wants him to belong to him already! He turned his head and looked at sonic cleaning the shelves. "Oh sonic, you will be mine" he thought to himself. He looked around his surroundings to make sure he was alone, he was, he walked behind sonic who was still cleaning. "Sonic." he said in a deep yet soft tone. Sonic jumped a little not expecting shadow to sneak up behind him. "Y-you need something sha-". Shadow grabbed sonic by his hips and leaned his head close to Sonic's face. It made him gasp in surprise. "You've been so loyal and kind to me hedgehog~ i think that deserves a little... Prize~". Sonic's face completely red like a tomato, he turned his head and looked at him. "Sh-shadow... Whatever d-do you mean-". Shadow put a finger to his lips, gently shushing him. "When the sun sets, come to my chambers, ok?~" he said with a smirk. Sonic gulped, but then he nodded. Shadows smirk widens, he leaned over and gave him a gentle peck on his cheek. "See you then~" he let go of him and walked off, leaving sonic spiraling, weak in the knees, face completely flushed. "Oh... Chaos..." he thought to himself.
[Later that night... ]
Sonic walked down the halls until he made it to the front doors of shadows bedroom. "Why in chaos does he want me to come into his bedroom at night? Does he want something from me?" he thought to himself questionably. He stood in front of the doors for a minute, then he went and knocked on the door. He then waited until he immediately heard his voice." come in". Sonic went and opened the door and walked into his room, it was dark, he could barley see anything, until he saw a candle lit on shadows night stand. He saw shadow sitting at the end of his bed, staring at him with the look of hunger, it made him nervous. "Close the door." he demanded. Sonic was hesitant but went and closed the door. "Now... Get onto your hands and knees, and crawl to me, like a good little hedgehog~". Sonic was completely in shock, he nervously got down to his hands and knees, and crawled over to him. This got shadow more excited. He crawled over until he stopped in front of him. "Hmm?~ come closer to me sonic~ there's no need to get nervous on me~♥" sonic bit his lip out of nervousness, he crawled closer to shadow until he was in between his legs. He looked up at him, his ruby eyes staring down at sonics emerald eyes, his hands went down grabbed his arms and lifted him up to where he was now on shadows lap. He smirked at him, then leaned in, until he was stopped, his peach hand on his shoulder.
"Y-you shouldn't be doing this... Especially with someone like m-me." he said with a gulp. Shadow just stared at him, almost completely shocked on what he said." what on earth do you mean?" sonic looked at him, his ears then drooped and he looked away from him." you should do this with someone who has way more high priority than me... I'm just... I'm just a dirty servant..." shadow was in complete shock over this. His hand went under his chin and made him face shadow. "Sonic, listen to me, i don't give a fuck what people might say, i don't want to do this with anyone other than you, you're so... Kind and sweet... You're also funny and... So beautiful... Oh sonic~ you make me feel things no one would EVER understand! You make my mind go crazy, I'd kill anyone who would try to take you away from me." he flipped him over to the point shadow was hovering on top of sonic. "Please sonic, please be mine, i beg of you, please stay by my side, i don't ever want you to fear me, i want you to stay with me, praise me, love me..." his breath sounding shaky with want, he leaned his head to Sonics neck, his breath feeling heavy against his fur.
    Sonic was at a loss of words, his face red, feeling like he's burning up a fever, all he could hear was shadows voice, mumbling to him to be his, to love him, begging him to never leave him, this is wrong, so very very wrong. Ohh.. Why does it feel so fucking right though? He loves this, he loves him, he's dangerous, he's destroyed cities, feared by all, but what if he can change that? He can change him, he needs guidance... He needs him, he needs... Sonic. He wrapped his arms around shadows neck, he looked at him as his red eyes met his green ones. "I love you shadow... I love you so much! Please... Please love me~" he said as be looked at shadow with desperation. Shadow immediately went in and kissed him, soon after their kiss turned into to heated session of passion and lust. At some moments sonic or shadow would pull away for a quick breath then going back in to their dance of intimacy. Their tongues soon meeting and started to open mouth kissing, as this was happening, shadow started to roughly undress sonic, having him take off his shirt, shoes and pants, in under a minute sonic was completely naked. Shadow stopped their session and sat up, staring down at sonic who was huffing and puffing for air, he looked down in between sonics legs, his smirk widening, his cock was out and exposed, so was Shadows, his hand went down and started to palm sonics hard cock. It made him gasp. "Ha-hau!~" he whimpered out and covered his eyes. "Hehe~ oh my sweet little blue hedgehog~ don't get shy on me~ I'll take such good care of you~♡" he said as he leaned over, now both their cocks against each other, causing both of them to gasp of how sensitive it feels to have their cocks rubbed against each other like this.  Sonic instinctively wrapped his legs around shadows waist. "Hmm~! It feels so good~ please shadow~ grind against me, make our cocks feel pleasure!~" he cried out as he leaned his head back into the sheets. This made shadows quills spike up with excitement, he started to grind against him, soon they both started to whimper and whine.
    Soon, pre cum started to leak out from their cocks, shadows hand goes over and wrapped his hand around both of them, then started to jerk themselves off while still grinding against sonic. "HhhaAAA~♡♡♡ FUCK! just like that my
King!~" shadow bit his lip and stopped, now that his cock was lubed up by his and sonics pre cum, he licked his cum covered fingers and put them them near sonics hole. "I'm gonna prep you now, ok?~" sonics hands gripped onto the pillow, he gulped then nodded. Shadow prepared him, he slowly entered one finger, this caused sonic to tighten up and he whimpered in discomfort. "Shh~ i know sonic, i promise you the discomfort will go away soon, just give it time my love~". And he was right, soon his discomfort turned into pure pleasure and started to moan as shadow started to move his fingers at a more faster pace, he then soon added a second finger, then a third, this was making sonic go crazy. "Shadow!!~ please please please just put your cock in! Im ready! Please! I'm so ready for that cock!~♡" shadow stared at him, he took his fingers out and got into position, sonic had his legs wrapped tightly around his waist just waiting for shadows hard cock to enter him already. Shadow intertwined his fingers with sonics, they both stared at each other, then they both leaned into each other and kissed, as they kissed shadow entered him."Mm-ahh!~♡" sonic moaned as shadow kept kissing him, so after, he started moving his hips, sonics head leaned back as shadow started to lick and bite at sonics neck. He smiled widely and closed his eyes, shadow moved his head down and bit at his chest, leaving a mark. It made him yelp and looked down at him who was just staring at him. " hehehe~ sensitive down there, are we?~" sonic bit his lip and nodded, shadow smirked and continued on, causing sonic to moan and cry out his name through whispers and cracks of his voice." shadow~ hmmnn~♡ oohh fuck!~ yes yes!~ please go faster!~ please please~♡" this sent chills down shadows spine, he immediately started moving his hips faster, now slapping against his ass. " anything for you my love, I'd do anything for you sonic!~ i love you so fucking much!~♡" sonic was now gripping and digging his nails into shadows back. " i love you too shadow!~ hhaauuuhh!!~♡♡♡ keep going!~ please!~ I'm so close! I'm gonna cum!~♡" shadow sat himself up, he grabbed and lifted sonics legs, he slammed inside him, hitting his prostate, sonics eyes shot opened and screamed in pure ecstasy. " OOHHH FUUUCK!!~♡♡♡ JUST LIKE THAT!~" shadow bit his lip and smiled down at him as he continued to thrust into sonic. "Haa~ haAA~ HAAA!~♡♡♡"  sonic thrusted his hips up and came all over his and shadows stomach. " SONIC!~♡" he cried out as he came inside of sonic, filling him to the brim. They both rested their foreheads together, catching their breaths.
    They looked at each other, sonic smiled at him, shadow did the same back. "Please be mine forever sonic" he said in a whisper. Sonic cupped his face and kissed him, then he gently pulled away and nuzzled his forehead against his. "I'm yours shadow, i want to be with you until the end of time, i love you~♡" shadows eyes teared up at that, so was sonics, they both cuddled up close to together , and peacefully slept in each others embrace.
[The end] :)

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