The ultimate Crush

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    Sonic the hedgehog has been a hero for greenhill for many years, everyone has always respected and loved him for his savings for his friends and those he calls family, he cares for all no matter how many are strangers to him he'll always be there for his people. Until.. He met a certain dark colored hybrid hedgehog, shadow was his name, sonic was quite curious about the ebony creature. Him and sonic had their rumbles and tumbles here and there and even sometimes they had to partner up against Doctor eggman to end his usual schemes to take over the world. After defeating eggman and sonic claiming victory, him and shadow would have their little moments.
    "So um, shads! I was wondering if maybe you wanna join me for some victory dinner! Let's say... Over some chilidogs?" sonic said as he twiddled his thumbs. Shadow looked over at him with a raised brow. "Hmph, victory dinner? With you? I don't think so hedgehog." he said as he turned away to teleport off but sonic quickly grabbed his arm, causing shadow to look at him a little startled. "Oh come on! It'll be fun i promise! Since when did you and i had a one on one together huh? That doesn't end up us fighting but just... Hanging out? Please shads?" sonic said with a friendly smile. Shadow squinted his eyes at him. "Hmm, ok then, but we're NOT having chilidogs, they're disgusting.." he said as he removed sonics hand from his arm. Sonic looked completely OFFENDED by that but kept his cool. "Hmph, well fine then, you chose, where do you wanna go hmm?" sonic said as he crossed his arms and leaned in close to shadow giving him a smirk. Shadow just gave him a small glare but then started to think. "Hmmm, there's this lovely cafe a little ways from town, it seems nice and actually peaceful, we can go there."
Sonic just rolled his eyes but agreed so that an argument doesn't start up, but being alone with shadow gave sonic butterflies in his stomach, he flushed a little and looked over at him. "Alright! That sounds nice actually, yeah lets go!" he said as he stepped forward. Shadow gave sonic a surprised chuckle. "Huh, never thought you'd actually agree with me faker." he said while playfully bumping shoulders with sonic and walked off. Sonic widely smiled to himself then quickly followed him. They decided to walk since it wasn't really that far, it took them a good 10 minutes to walk there and they wanted to save some energy since their brawl with eggman. When they made it sonic looked in awe of how pretty the cafe looked, it has a cute cottage design. "Hm, i should mention this place to amy sometime whenever we hangout again, this is definitely her type of place." sonic thought to himself. While sonic was busy talking to himself Shadow already got some drinks for him and sonic, they both found themselves a seat outside the shop, the sun was still out so the little umbrella on the table gave a perfect shading, it was perfect, and sonic liked how perfect it was, just him and shadow together at a cute little coffee shop.
    They both sat in silence drinking they're latte's and kinda staring off at other things, it was kinda awkward and sonic knows how uncomfortable shadow will get if no one will start something, anything actually. This cause sonic to overthink, what can he say? How can he start a conversation? "Uughh if i don't say something quick he's gonna wanna leave and i don't want him to! Not yet, i don't want this moment to stop now! Say something you blue fool!" he looked up at shadow and noticed immediately that shadow was nearly done with his drink. "SO!" sonic said a little too loud causing shadow to jump a little. "Ahaa- AHEM- how rouge and omega been doing? I heard they're on a mission together." sonic said with a nervous smile. "Oh um, yeah they've been doing fine and yeah they are..." shadow answered back. "O,oh really? Hehe well how come you didn't join them hmm?~" sonic gave shadow a raised brow and smirk. "Ugh seriously? Stealing jewels from popular places all around the world ain't really my cup of tea faker." shadow said as he played around with his cup.
"Oh, well glad you stuck around cause i would be bored out of my MIND without you shadow." shadow looked at sonic a little surprised, but then smirked."Awww, you'll miss me or something hedgehog? Didn't know you had a little soft spot for me hehe." Sonic's face quickly flushed a bright red, he stared at shadow with widened eyes." I- UM- NO??? WHAT? I WOULDN'T MISS YOU I MEANT- WELL- UHM- WHAT I MEANT THAT I WOULD MISS YOU BECAUSE- WHO ELSE WOULD I KICK BUTT IF IT'S NOT YOURS SHADOW." He said while pointing a finger at him. Shadow just kept his smirk in place, oohh shadows favorite thing to do is to always catch people off guard, especially his blue rival.
It took sonic a second to realize what shadow was trying to do, scoffed at him and crossed his arms with a pout. "You're not funny shadow." he said with a glare. Shadow just sat back with a smile. "I think I'm pretty hilarious in my own way hedgehog, you just don't understand my humor." sonic let out a humph. "I thought you were allergic to humor edge Lord." he said with a mischievous chuckle. Shadow just shot a glare at him. He growled and crossed his arms and looked away from him, clearly already irritated by this "victory meal"... Sonic quickly fixed his posture and looked at him. "I-it was just a joke shadow, please don't take it too seriously, i know you have you're own humor and i was just trying to be funny i guess... Sorry if it spoiled your apatite..." he mumbled out, kinda shrinking in his seat. Shadow looked quite surprised by how apologetic the blue blur was being. "I... I accept your apology... Sonic." he said in a much more gentle tone. That made sonic's heart flutter. He looked up at him, cheeks red. Sonic sat himself up, looked around his surroundings making sure that no one was around, he then looked back at him. "U-um... Hey shads listen, i know you and i had butted heads in the past, either trying to one up each other or even kill each other hehe." he said as he was twiddling his thumbs. Shadow stayed silent, he has no idea where this is coming from, but he didn't want to interrupt, so he let him finish. Sonic was getting sweaty, he was stuttering with his words, doesn't seem he can't really find the right words to say, he looked at shadow who looked concentrated on him, his arms were resting on the table, he had this calming look on his face that made sonic's heart stop beating for a second. "Look shads, you and i are completely different, we think differently and we do things differently. We're... Always constantly fighting over something that we believe is the right thing to do, we barley get along but also, we do at the same time." sonic widely smiled to himself and looked away from him. " shadow you... You don't want to think of yourself as some kind of hero, you don't bother looking for admiration from people but I can't help but think that... Of how much i admire you as a hero shadow." he said as he looked at shadow with a soft gaze in his eyes. Shadow couldn't help but flush at that. How he looks at him in a certain way, it makes his heart pound like a drum.
    Sonic rested his hand on top of shadows, his hands were shaking, shadow took immediate notice to that, and looked at him, he was too also starting to become quite sweaty. " i... I don't care how different we are, i always enjoyed our times together, either when we fight or team up, i just enjoy your presence hehe." sonics face was as red as a tomato, shadow had to take a moment to breathe because for some reason it felt like he wasn't breathing at all. "S-sonic, what in the world of c-chaos are you trying to say to me?" shadow said, visibly nervous. "What I'm trying to say is!... Um... I have... Feelings for you..." shadows eyes widened, jumped back out of his chair causing his seat to fall back onto the ground, his hand clenching his chest. This made sonic immediately to start panicking, almost seemingly regretting the words that came out of his mouth. He quickly got up as well. " sh-shadow! Shadow please just listen to me- i um!... Oh chaos-..." sonics hands gripped onto his own face, visibly shaking." oh chaos, he hates me! He's probably disgusted by my confession, what have i done, please shadow- please don't hate me.." he thought to himself, on the brink of tears, until shadow broke the silence once again. " is this... S-some kind of sick joke faker?! If it is then it's definitely not funny! Are you just saying those things just to make fun of me?!" he quickly turned to walk away, but sonic ran to him and grabbed his arm tightly. "Shadow please! I-its not a joke! Please i beg of you, please listen to what i have to say!" sonic yelled out while he was fighting back tears. Shadows brow was twitching uncontrollably, he turned his head and looked at him. Sonic couldn't bare to look at his face so he looked down. "I-i admit! I've had these feelings for you for a long time i just didn't know how to say it, i didn't want you to hate me more than you already do, i... *hic*" shadows eye's quickly softened." is he... Crying? Why is he crying?"  shadow thought to himself. "I just can't take it anymore shadow... I.. I like you! I'm in love with you shadow!" shadow was in complete disbelief, he looked around noticing that sonics crying was causing a commotion, he quickly took out his chaos emerald and zapped them both out of that situation and teleported to a more private area. Sonic looked around and looked at him, he noticed that shadow was looking at him with a soft expression, he was honestly expecting shadow to look angry or disgusted but, not this. Shadows hand cupped sonics cheek and used his thumb to wipe the tears from his eye.
    Sonics face flushed a pink and his eyes sparkled. "Sonic... How can someone like you, be in love with someone like me? I honestly thought you liked amy, both of you have the same interests, you two always hang out together and she's constantly hugging you, i just... Don't understand.. " shadow said as he looked away from him. Sonic chuckled, he moved hand up and cupped shadows cheek, turning his head to face him again. " you seriously overthink things, she's just my friend and she knows i like you, she's been DYING for me to confess to you already!" shadow looked surprised, but then smiled. "I must say faker, i... Also, been having these feelings for a long time too, i had no idea what the feeling was until, you most likely solved it." he said with a smile. " oh... Oh!! Does that mean-" shadow interrupted him by pulling him in, kissing him. Shadow has been wanting to kiss those lips for a long time he thought he might go crazy if he didn't do so. Sonic was in shock to do anything at first, but then he immediately melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around his neck, taking in his kiss, he wanted it to last forever, but then shadow gently pulled away from the kiss, smiling at his rival. " i love you too you blue fool" shadow said to sonic. "Hehe! And i love you too as well, faker~" he said in a tease. They both hugged each other, savoring this moment for a lifetime ♥

-the end :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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