Its Them Or Us

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The ground shook again from the artillery slamming into the ground, mud flies into the trench adding to the floor of yet more mud. The battle for Coneg vi was a grueling and bloody slog through tua and eldar alike the gaurd were fighting with what evere they could possibly use even if they had nothing that was something.

The earth shook again, followed by the sound of screams and scattered viscera hitting the walls of the trench the wood and dirt now adorned a red hew. The gaurd know this fight won't end well but, only in death does duty end for them. The commisar rallies his men back to their positions as the body is dragged to the pile in the rear to be burned. Many men would rather have never been born then be on this hellscape but what choice did they have now? They had no where to run, no one to call and no way to escape.

"In the name of the emporor we will bring them to there knees even if it takes every man and woman alive here today to beat them down!" the officer calls out bracing his men for there deaths they had one choice, one good option. Fight. Fight and die and bring them with you.

As the whistle blew the men went over the top and into the line of fire of tau pulse rifles, and ion cannons there guns are powerful and long ranged and their trenches sturdy but there will is weak in comparison to the gaurd who charge nonetheless "let none survive. Let no xeno escape unharmed!" The officer barked as a guards head gets turned to mist and his forearm ripped from its joint. The began tau falll into view through the fog, smoke and dirt the guardsmen fired their Las guns into the trench killing the xenos in only a few blasts to the chest or head blue blood sprays onto the trench walls.

The guardsmen now in the trench begi in close combat. The tau are poorly adapted and equipped for such fights shoves, knives and bayonets rip apart the tau but the cost is great even in close quarters tau guns maim and kill the gaurd, their armor doing little to protect them as the trench is cleared the fight us over yet the officers and commisar who survived rally the men to the now ceased defenses and the eldar have arrived from the tau lines.

The eldar a doom race yet, they persist, continuing to fight and harasse the imperium and its thanks to them that their fleet is gone, leaving the gaurd to fight thus battle to the end. "In the name of the emporor you will fall you knife eared Mongrol" the commisar barked as he fired his bloter pistol into the incoming eldar. The eldar respond with collection of shrunken weapons and Las. Their weapons are advanced beyond compare men are turned to bloody and mangled corpses in split seconds. The fighting is quick and brief as the gaurd knowing they won't win  in a ranged fight go over the top for the last time and tau fire and combine with the eldar.

When the fire stops Conig vi is lost but not the guardsman. Even if the battle was lost the imperium would get them back ten fold for this loss and when the atmosphere are gone and the bloody mud on a thousand worlds will the imperium consider there debt repayed only then will their judgment be swift and mighty as they decend on their foe with all they have to bear.

The lone guardsman stands in a bloody pile of dead eldar and tau and he continues his chaege into the fray what few were with hik had died almost instantly, fueling his rage and bloodlust as he jumped into the taubline catching them off gaurd and his stabs into the first with his bayonet and  quickly uses the body to block 2 shots form his comrades as he shoots his Las gun around the body nailing them in the head. He dropped the body and ran down t he trench clearing bunkers and dugouts on his own. when his gun ran dry he used his knife, when it went dull her used his hands, when his hands were broken his used his head. He would fight and fight and it wasn't till his was shot and decapitated that he stopped fighting. His would serve to remind the tau and eldar of one thing, humanity would not back down from a fight.

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