Chapter 12

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The guys did the show and after it the meet & greet as always.  They got their things and got in the bus; they ate something and watch movies together while on the road. 

Sammi: Hey little sister! What’s up?

Becky: nothing, just thinking

Sammi: about what?

Becky: what Ella told me earlier…

Sammi: what did she told you?

Becky: can we go somewhere else? So we can talk more comfortable

Sammi: yeah sure, come on let’s go to my room

They got to Sammi and Jinxx room and seat on the bed

Sammi: so tell me what did she talk to you about?

Becky: Andy & Ashley

Sammi: oh I see…well what did she told you?

Becky: I’m going to make it short she told me that while I decide with which one of them I would like to give myself an Chance with, I should make clear to the boys that I only want a friendship with them.  That I shouldn’t give them wings so I can have the chance to know each one of them and then make my choice.  Once I have made my choice tell them.  Having in mind that there’s always the risk that the one I didn’t choose ends up hurt, but that way I would know that I made things right and that I made all that was possible to not hurt any of them.

Sammi: so what are you going to do?

Becky: I don’t know yet…but do you think she’s right?

Sammi: well since you don’t want to stop talking to any of them I think it can be an option

Becky: I thought so too, I’m going to try btw can you do me a favor?

Sammi: what?

Becky: can you talk to CC and tell him to take it easy, I know he just wants to protect me but it’s starting to get annoying.  I’m not sure how to tell him, I don’t want to hurt him or anything, that’s why I’m asking you to do it.  Can you do that for me?

Sammi: ok no problem, I’ll talk to him

Becky: thanks big sis

Sammi: anything for you little sis

They got back to the living room with the other, Sammi seat next to Jinxx of course and Becky sat next to Ashley.

Ash: Hey! Where were you?

Becky: talking with Sammi, about something…

Ash: oh ok…you know I noticed that you always have a star on whether is on your necklace, on your earrings or on your bracelet…

Becky: well yes…I love stars she said smiling

Ash: I can see that he said smiling come on I’ve got something for you

Ashley took Becky’s hand and led her to his room.   Before she started walking she looked at Sammi, waiting for her approval she just nodded, but gave a be careful look to Becky and a don’t try anything or I will kill you look to Ashley.  With that they just started walking towards Ashley’s room.  They entered and seat on Ashley’s bed

Ash: are you ok?

Becky: yes I’m fine

Ash: you look nervous

Becky: I’m ok, btw why did you bring me here?

Ash: I’ve got something for you

He got up and got his jewelry box and took out one of his star necklaces 

Ash: since you like stars so much, you can have this he said putting the necklace on her

Becky: Really?! She said holding the necklace

Ash: yes he said smiling

Becky: thanks Ashley, she said hugging him btw I always wanted this necklace of your star necklaces this has always been my favorite

Ash: glad you liked it, come on let’s go back to the living room so they don’t think things that aren’t true

They got up from the bed and headed back to the living room.

Pic of the necklace on the side =====================================>>>>>>>>>>>>

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