First Burkeland Impressions.

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As they went closer and closer to the harbor, now entering the area between 3 main isles, they were shocked to see the major difference between Burkeland and the Grand Isles, unlike in the Grand isles which had barely changed over the years, Burkeland was trully something to behold, asphalt roads everywhere, streetlights, industrial cranes in the harbor accompanied by giant container ships, not even comparable to whats used in the grand isles.

The Helmer: Damn, I didnt expect the infrastructure to be THIS advanced here
Zut: Well, compared to the Grand Isles it trully is something.
Viv: Not like we dont have infrastructure..
Zut: Yeah, but its not much compared to what they have here.
Kypricus would silently watch, completely in ave of all the technological marvel Burkeland had.

As they approached the dock, the ship was approached by a tug.

Tug operator: Put your sails up, we'll get you to the dock safely.

Everyone swiftly proceeded to put the sails up, afterwards the tug has pushed the ship over to the Docking area.
Afterwards, the harbor staff have attached all the neccesary ropes and safety measures to the ship, for no fee at all.

The Helmer: Heh, sure nice of them to do this for free.
Kypricus: Well, Ive heard taxes are hellish here though.
Zut: Yeah thats a givev, the workers need to get paid.
Afterwards, everyone got off the ship and decided to split up and go around Burkeland.
Zut and Viv went together to the old town, still filled with old buildings.
The Helmer tried convince Kypricus to go along with him to the shipyard to observe the process of ships being made, however Kypricus was more interested in the newer areas of the island, filled with tall and modern buildings.

Viv: so.. we havent been here for a while eh?
Zut: Well, yeah.. now that Blackwind is even more of a retirement home, the route up North is safe for once.
Viv: Yeah.. granted they cant really go beyond unless they're one of the top crews, Grand Isles may still majorly use old ships, but had any of the pirate underdogs that arent from top crews decided to go beyond the Grand Isles? They'd be dead meat, back home we may still use cannon balls and caplocks, but rest of the world moved on.
Zut: I.. sometimes wish it didnt, it feels like stuff was better back then.
Viv: Well.. times change, I still think it was for the better, piracy cant be as effective anymore when you have modern warships going 'round.

In the meantime, The Helmer would be sitting near the shipyard, observing the construction of Both Wooden sailships, old ironclads, and Modern Warships, Burkeland as always still was the cheapest option for all ship construction after all.

The Helmer: Ah.. Id love to Helm these... the goose is good and all, but I dont think I can infinitely upgrade it.. Oh yeah! Speaking of which.
The Helmer would head into the shipyard, looking to upgrade the Goose, after some searching he finally found the drydock manager.

The Helmer: So.. I need to upgrade my goose again..
ARMYG0ST, The Shipyard Manager: Again? what this time.
The Helmer: Just armor it up from the inside, whatever, just make it the best you can.
ARMYG0ST, The Shipyard Manager: Hah, you sure as hell dont have the money for that, do you?
The Helmer: Ofcourse I do, do you know how many contracts Ive had?
ARMYG0ST, The Shipyard Manager: So, you have 135 Million Doubloons on hand?
The Helmer: Well.. I have 100.
ARMYG0ST, The Shipyard Manager:  Well, we can do it for 100, but You'll need to do a contract worth 35 million.
The Helmer: And what exactly would be worth 35 Million?
ARMYG0ST, The Shipyard Manager: Head to Willington up north and ask for the "gunrunner" at the Inn near the port, you'll learn the rest there, now go get some rest would ya? We'll get the ship into the drydock ourselves.
The Helmer: Yeah.. Got it.
The Helmer wasnt too enthusiastic about it, last time he ran errands for ARMYG0ST it ended with him ending up nearly locked up in Terranfort.

Meanwhile, Kypricus was aimlessly going around the streets of Burkeland and taking in the atmosphere of all the wonders of the Industrial revolution around her, The Neon Signs, The Polluted air, the orphaned child, and adverts everywhere on the skyscrapers scattered around.
Seeing the orphaned child, she approached it.

So, whats your name?
Orphaned child: M-my name is AwesomeRobloxGamerYT..
Kypricus: And mine's Kyp, so how did you become an orphan anyway?
AwesomeRobloxGamerYT: My mother lost her arms in a factory incident, while my father got killed by Carterian immigrants..
Kypricus: Oh come on, you cant say the migrants did it! just say Criminals.. and how come you didnt get compensated for your mothers death?
AwesomeRobloxGamerYT: The owner of the factory, WaldoLover64 said It was her fault and executed her on the spot, making me illegible to get compensated..
Kypricus: Oh well, Industrial revolution and its consequences caught up to ya!
Afterwards, she'd throw the kid some blue hardtack and walk away.

By this point, it was quite late and coincidentally after some hours everyone ran into each other at the Inn near the dock.
As they all sat down, everyone started sharing their experiences, however they were interrupted by the TV news broadcast.

TV Broadcast: The time is 2:45AM, and NSTO troops have finally arrived in Johnsontown after 2 days of travel, in the meantime both Burkish as well as Balreskan officials have tried their best to convince the Nassuvian Armies to leave Johnsontown, however it fell to deaf ears.
As of now, 2:45AM, Burkeland and Nova Balreska are at war with Nassau for their occupation of the Johnsontown Isles, The Royal Burkish Air Force is currently preparing for 1 month of constant bombing of Nassau as well as strategical bombing of Johnsontown Isles to aid the NSTO troops in retaking the Islands.
Burkelands Prime minister has officialy spoken out on the situation:

Prime Minister Azureska: The take over of the Nassuvian Socialist movement was already a concerning developement in Nassau, this act of aggresion is proving all concerns we had right.
The Nassuvian claim of Johnsontown isles with the argument of "we're closer than you" Is deemed invalid by us and rest of NSTO, We estimate the war will be over in 2 weeks, I have faith in our trusty marines and Balreskan Allies.

The screen switches to a video feed of Nova Balreska

Admiral AlleyCat: Today we once again have to show the totalitarian regimes in the Grand Isles who's the boss, we will be providing Air and Naval support as well as ground troops to aid Burkeland in retaking the Isles.
The camera would then point towards a singular NBN Aircraft carrier, acompanied by Camels, Hinds, Poseidons, Neptunes, and various other state of the art warships owned by NBN, some having "Dont cry for me Nassau" written on their sides among with other various phrases.

Zut: Jesus, guess we got lucky Johncena sent us out eh?
Viv: Yeah, I preffer this over getting deployed down south.
The Helmer and Kypricus would watch as the news broadcast continued giving them senseless information about the war.

Kypricus: This shit is pointless, why are they even invading?
The Helmer: The Nassuvian Socialist movement promised territorial expansion if they win the elections, so they had to deliver.
Afterwards, the group would leave without paying as the bartender fell asleep again, and head back to the gooses cargo hold.


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