not wrong - ruben dias

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Its my first day at my new job. Im the manchester city media manager, now the job sounds lame but im on my phone all day and im getting paid for it so can i complain?

"hey you must be y/n?" someone shakes my hand

"yeah hi" i smile

"im jack" he says. Of cource i already know him but im not gonna say that to not sound creepy.

"oi lads we got a new media girl her name is y/n" he puts his arm around me yelling as he takes me around the city group building.

"shut the fuck up jack your voice is annoying" kevin yells "but nice to meet you y/n". I meet some of the other guys.

"where the frick are those portuguese ones" jack sighs looking around. 

"so where are you from?" he squints at me

"portugal" i chuckle

"oh? youll get along with bernardo then" he laughs

"what about ruben?" i ask. I dont know ruben but i know hes portuguese too.

"most people think hes gonna bite or something but hes not like that" jack says as we continue walking around.

"but- where the actual fock are they?" he says.

"OI BERNARDO!" he finally yells. We go over to bernardo and he introduces us. bernardos nice and all and then someone much bigger that him comes.

"quem é" he whispers to bernardo

"por que tu gosta dela?" bernardo chuckles. When i realise its ruben dias himself i try not to blush when he grinns.

"what did they say?" jack nudges me.

"you speak portuguese?" bernardos eyes widen as he starts laughing at ruben

"sim" i chuckle. I dont answer poor jackys question though and me and ruben properly meet and i pretend that didnt happen.

Theres a weird feeling between us, tension. Not something i dont mind though. I do some work and shit before its late.

Most people have left but jack and ruben are still here. I go outside and see them both standing out talking.

"hey y/n nice first day?" jack asks

"yeah thanks" i chuckle

"you have a car?" he asks looking at the carpark.

"nah got an uber" i shake my head

"where you live?" he asks

"uhh you know those apartments like over there" i point. 

"oh yeah? ruben give her a ride!" he says patting his back.

"okay" he says, looking into my eyes.

"we both live there too!" jack squeals like a little kid. Id laugh but im too busy looking at ruben. 

"id give you a ride but my car is um" jack says

"dirty as hell" ruben laughs, oh my god his laugh 

"oh shut up" jack slaps him. We laugh as we go to the cars and i sit in the front seat of rubens rolls royce.

"thanks for this" i smile 

"de nada" he says at almost a whisper as he looks at me. Im worried he'll crash while looking at me but we get to the apartments safely.

"which one you live on?" he asks as we go up the stairs.

"5th" i answer

"really?" his eyes widen "me too, jack lives on the ground one". I smile and forget to reply to that as we go up to the 5th floor.

He stops outside my door.

"what?" i chuckle

"just making sure you go in safe" he says looking at me once again.

"you think somethings gonna happen while im 1 inch away from inside?" i smile hiding the fact that im internally screaming.

He laughs before walking to the exact opposite side of my apartment, to his.

"boa noite" i wave before closing the door. I forget to lock it as i leave to my bedroom. I change into my clothes for the night before the front door swings open and i see ruben standing in the doorway.

"kick me out if im wrong but, we have something- and i know im not wrong" he whispers before cupping my face and kissing me. He shuts the door by flicking his leg and his hands go down to my waist.

He lifts me up onto the counter and we continue. Then the counter to the bed.


i wake up the next morning, beside me, ruben. His head resting on my shoulder, his big arms wrapped around me.

I smile at the sight and then slowly remove myself from his arms. I get up to the bathroom and shower. When i come out hes awake.

"fun night?" i chuckle sitting beside him. he laughs before getting up to the bathroom himself and using my spare stuff to shower and freshen up.

Im in the kitchen making breakfast when i hear the doorbell. I quickly put on a hoodie over my tank from last night and open the door.

"jack?" i say surprised

"hey i brought a welcome gift" he says "well sasha made me bring a welcome gift"

"whos there?" ruben asks drying his hair with a towel, another towel wrapped around his waist.

"woah woah woah" jack gasps.

"uhh its not what it looks like" ruben freezes "my shower broke so"

"yeah his shower broke so he asked if he could shower here" i nod. 

"oh okay i thought you two slept together or sum" he laughs coming and sitting down in my living room.

"jack dont you have anything else to be doing now?" ruben asks

"no" jack smiles cluelessly as he turns the tv on.

"i was gonna hang out with you ruben but no response on your door so" he shrugs. 

"how did you know i lived here?" i furrow my brows

"oh i knocked on each door" he says casually. Me and ruben look at each other and start laughing.

"anyways mate you gonna put a shirt on?" jack cringes looking at ruben. Ruben grinns before going back to the room and putting his shirt on.

We stand beside each other in the kitchen as i make my breakfast- and for ruben. His hand is on my back, just trailing his fingers around.

I would be lying if i said i didnt like it but i act unfased and continue. 


i was out of imagine ideas so i legit went on tiktok and searched up imagine and i used on of those enemy x y/n ones but changed a bit help

okay but the intrusive thought to make this a book is crazy bc i lowk love it

have a good day/night and dont forget to vote!



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