The Iron Lung

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The Sweat Box came to a sudden stop, the thick doors open revealing the guards and annoyingly bright light in front of the Convict, which woke him up.

"C'mon sleepy head! We haven't gotten all day!" one of the guards named Mike yelled, tye Convict groaned and yawned. He stood up, and slowly went down out of the van.

The guards pushed him to the direction to a submarine, the height and length of it was the same size as a normal submarine. Big, wide, rusty, and kinda looked like a shape of a rectangle with smooth points.

Beside of the submarine was a plastic table with old submarine gear which looked heavy for the seemingly tall man who was gonna fit in that spacey, heavy gear. He was thinking if he was suppose to wear that during his mission considering it was that they were reusing old things.

Yet he was right of thinking that.

"Convict, you're gonna wear that swim gear even if you don't want to, I don't care because if you don't come alive without that then it's your fault you didn't want to wear it." The Irish Warden came out of nowhere, startling the Comvict but he didn't think of why the hell he just appeared like that but was focused more on preparing and wearing the gear.


After wearing the swim gear (it included removing the cuffs), he held the helmet for later if there was any time to breath and not walk with the hollow ball.

The Warden looked at the Convict, smiling, looking impressed. The guards behind death staring directly at the Convict.

"Well then, let's get going follow me." The Warden was the first to led the Convict and the guards following behind him.

The way inside in the submarine was a ladder, letting you climb way up to the roof of the submarine, and if you saw a circular door with a handle, then it would lead to the inside. The Warden gestured his hand to the door, gesturing the man to go inside instead.

The Convict held the handle, turn the knob with both hands, and with a heavy swing the door opened. Another latter went down also, the Convict went down inside the submarine. The sub looked... like what he expected: rusty, old, and broken.

The metal box that acted like a table for the controls were in the front of the ship with a small circular window which was open for him to see. The sides of the sub were just pipes(?) and the back was dim but had a side computer, other controllers of some sort, and the other side with a blank screen. The back would be the evidence side and the front would be the navigation side.

"Liking the interior of it?!" The Warden yelled down below. The Convict moved to the latter where it led to the door and looked up at the man, giving a thumbs up to him. Still keeping his mask on.

"Ah I'm glad you like it, lad. I almost forgot!" The Irish threw a map below to the Korean.

"This is the map of the floor. You'll get it when the mission starts." The Warden wicked and the door closed leaving a awfully dim filled sub to the man himself.

The Convicts Conflict ll IRON LUNGWhere stories live. Discover now