7. A Fragile Dewdrop

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"Life is but a day; A fragile dew-drop on its perilous way From a tree's summit."
— John Keats

One cannot always be happy in life. If there is happiness, there will always be sufferings and misfortune. It's not always sunshine and daisies. No matter how much one try to prevent the miseries, it just happens like how it should be. Some call in a play of fate but no one tries to understand the depths of it.

It's been almost two weeks since Jungkook left for the US and they had been video calling and texting most of the time except when they are engaged in their own schedule. They flirt, they talk dirty, they remind each other to take care of themselves, inspite of the time differences.

"I can't touch you through the phone baby. I miss you so much." Jungkook pouted cutely at his husband on call.

"Don't be such a baby, you are coming back tomorrow. Do you have any schedules for next few days?" Taehyung misses his husband a lot but he dared to express his emotions.

"Nope, I'm off from everything until Thursday. I want to spend all my time cuddling and kissing you."

"Hmmm...well before you cuddle me, I need to talk to you about something." The doctor's expression was quite serious, his eyes reflecting a peculiar sadness.

"What? Are you breaking up with me?" Jungkook jolted from the bed he was lying on.

"Huh? No, we are not dating, we are married Jungkook? I can't breakup with you even if I want to." Taehyung chuckled teasing the other.

Jungkook was shot by an unknowing ache in his heart. However, soon it was replaced with Taehyung's giggles. "I can't wait to see you baby. I will go straight home and wait for you okay. Come early." He blew a kiss before they hung up the call.


The doctor was swamped by unusual number of patients, keeping him engaged throughout the day. He was very much excited about the day as he could see his husband after a week. Luckily he got half an hour for lunch. "Hey doc, why do you look so happy even after marathon of patients?" Jimin wiggled his eyebrows. "Ohh, Jungkook is coming back today." The doctor blushed with sudden mention of his husband's name.

"Tae, you are madly in love with him. It's written all over your face. When are you planning to confess?" His best friend had been hearing a little too much about his husband past one week and that's more than enough to figure it out.

"Soon Jimin. Most probably today. I missed him so much. I never thought I could love som—." Taehyung paused as certain someone crossed his mind. 'Was I ever really in love with him or is it because of Hana? I still love here but Yoongi hyung?'

"Tae, what wrong? You were saying something." Jimin pulled Taehyung out from his thoughts. "Ah I need to talk to Jungkook about something first." The sparks of happiness in his eyes suddenly dulled.

"Oh by the way, Hana has her appointment today evening, she will be your last patient for the day. I'm so excited to meet her." Jimin got up from the chair as he finished his lunch. "I'm excited to see her as well but not her father." Taehyung mumbled under his breath.

Taehyung came home but not as early as he promised Jungkook. "Jungkook?" Taehyung called for his husband excitedly the moment he entered the apartment. As he didn't get any response, he checked their bedrooms and bathroom but the idol was no where to be found. "I said he will wait for me and his flight landed hours ago? I saw the photos from dispatch. Where is he now." The doctor tried calling his husband numerously but went straight to voicemail. Taehyung walked back and forth panicking. If there was anything urgent schedule, Jungkook would have notified Taehyung.

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