Chapter 23: Unbearable Goodbye

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Zee, overcome with worry, dialed Nunew's phone, hoping for his voice on the other end. When the call connected, his heart raced in anticipation.

Zee: (anxiously) "Nunew, baby, please, where are you? Come home now. I miss you, and I'm worried about you."

Zee's heart raced as he heard the unexpected voice on the other end of the line. Panic set in as he pleaded with the girl who answered.

Zee: (frantic) "Who is this? Where's Nunew? Is he okay?"

Girl: (concerned) "I found this phone at the cliff in Serencove. There's a jacket here, too. I just thought maybe someone left it. Should I be worried?"

Zee: (worried) "Yes, yes, you should be worried! That's Nunew's phone. We're on our way. Please stay there. Don't touch anything. We need to find him."

Zee quickly hung up and dialed Namping, his voice shaky.

Zee: (urgent) "Namping, it's Nunew's phone. We need to get to the cliff in Serencove right now. Something's not right."

Namping: (concerned) "On our way, Zee. Just hang in there. We'll find him. Stay strong."

The car raced through the winding roads, anxiety thick in the air as they raced against time to reach the cliff and uncover the truth about Nunew's disappearance.

Zee, gripping the steering wheel tightly as he raced towards the cliff, couldn't escape the flood of anxious thoughts that clouded his mind.

Zee: (whispering to himself) "What if something happened to Nunew? Why would his phone be at the cliff? Please, let him be okay. I need to find him."

The winding road to the cliff seemed longer than ever, each turn intensifying the knot of worry in Zee's stomach.

Zee: (desperately) "Nunew, please be safe. I can't bear the thought of losing you. Just hold on until I get there."

The uncertainty weighed on Zee as he sped toward the cliff, the echoes of his own fears resonating in the solitude of the car.

Namping, urgently waking up Keng, conveyed the urgency of the situation.

Namping: (shaking Keng gently) "Keng, wake up! Something's wrong. Zee called, and Nunew's phone was found near the cliff. We need to go there right now."

Keng, still groggy from sleep, jolted awake at the mention of Nunew's name.

Keng: (concerned) "What? Near the cliff? Why would his phone be there? Let's go, Namping."

The urgency in Namping's voice spurred them into action, and they quickly headed towards the cliff, their minds filled with worry and unanswered questions.

As they sped towards the cliff, Namping couldn't shake off the worry gnawing at him. Keng, too, was filled with a sense of foreboding.

Keng: (anxiously) "What could have happened? Why would Nunew be near the cliff at this hour?"

Namping: (grave) "I don't know, Keng. Zee sounded really worried. We need to find Nunew and make sure he's okay."

The atmosphere in the car was tense, the headlights cutting through the darkness as they approached the cliff. Both Namping and Keng hoped for the best but feared the worst.

When Zee arrived at the cliff, he then shout Nunew's name then the girl who found Nunews phone walk towards him and point where did he find the rest of the things 

Zee: (frustrated) "Nunew! Where are you?"

Girl: (pointing) "Over there, I found the phone and jacket right here. Maybe the owner just went to get some coffee. We were the second batch to arrive."

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