First Round and a system shock.

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*We open this scene not with Daniel or Paxley but our lovely fellows at Chase U, Thea Hail and Troy Asher who are both suitably hyped up for tonight's first round match*

"You Ready Thea?"

"Ready?! Troy I'm always ready! Alwaysalwaysalways!" *She shakes Troy quite vigorously*

"Ready?! Troy I'm always ready! Alwaysalwaysalways!" *She shakes Troy quite vigorously*

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*Andre comes up behind them* "Alright guys you know the Gameplan. Go out and WIN! And even if you don't, you've still made us proud. Chase U on Three! 1! 2! 3!"

 Chase U on Three! 1! 2! 3!"

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*All* "CHASE U!"

*We then roll it to Big Daddy's bar where one half of the NXT Tag Team champions Duncan Ledger is downing one last drink before their match* 

"Biggest opportunity of a lifetime Duncan. Ready?"

"Fallon you should know the answer to this! I STAY ready!"

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"Fallon you should know the answer to this! I STAY ready!"

*She high fives him* "THAT's what I'm talking about!" 

*We cut back to Vic Joseph and Booker* "Booker we've got some more mixed Tag action later tonight but right now we have an issue to address!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome, Cora Jade!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome, Cora Jade!"

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