No Falling All To Pieces (L)

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All too quickly, Louis found himself in the back seat of the car, Harry at his side as a driver took them back to Harry's house. Their house now. Harry had explained as they had walked out that they would not be living at his family's house, but instead in a separate house on the pack's property. The relief felt by Louis that he would not be under the constant scrutiny of Harry's mother, the Styles' pack alpha, was juxtaposed with apprehension towards the idea of being alone with Harry. The same Harry who had pressed himself into the door of the car, his body angled away from Louis and looking out the window. Now that Louis thought about it, he was not sure Harry had looked at him at all since the ceremony. He fought against the instinct to curl in on himself and instead took the alpha's lead in staring out his window.

He vaguely knew where the Styles' pack lands were, but he had never been there before. The car took them out of the town center, heading towards the outskirts. The Tomlinson pack lived in the complete opposite direction from where they were driving to. Every minute they drove, Louis' entire life was left further and further behind. The thought made his stomach twist. Louis knew that his scent was shifting, his anxiety and fear turning his normally sweet aroma into something burnt. With a glance over to Harry, he could see that his fingers tapped restlessly against his thigh, but his scent gave nothing away as to how he might be feeling. The omega shifted uneasily in his seat before looking back out of the window, a sigh slipping past his lips.

As they pulled up, Louis was shocked by the sight in front of him. The long driveway ended in a cul-de-sac of sorts, 4 nearly identical houses framed a larger three story house in the middle. The driver pulled in front of one of the smaller houses on the far right and Harry nearly fell over himself with how quickly he bolted from the car. Louis closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm himself before he followed suit.

Louis was surprised to see Harry standing next to the front door waiting for him. As he approached, the alpha spoke for the first time since before they got in the car.

"I thought I'd give you a tour and then you can take your time settling in," he spoke, his voice flat. Louis gave a small nod in response.

"That would be lovely, thank you," he murmured, afraid that his voice would shake if he spoke any louder.

Harry spun on his heel and walked through the door, Louis trailing behind him. The entire first floor of the house was open, each room blending seamlessly into the next.

"To the right you have the living room and to the left is the dining and kitchen," Harry said, his voice seemingly bored as if he were reciting lines he had memorized. He led Louis into the kitchen area and stopped at the counter. Louis' eyes widened as he looked around at the brand new appliances, a single one costing more than all of the appliances his family owned put together.

"We will have dinners there every night," Harry said as he gestured to the other side of the kitchen. Louis' eyes instinctively followed Harry's movement and landed on a large, wooden dining room table. "Your other meals may be when and where you please, but as for dinner..." Harry trailed off, his shoulders stiffened an infinitesimal amount before he continued. "We will have dinners as a pairing."

Louis murmured his agreement and Harry gave a short nod of recognition before he abruptly turned around and headed back towards the entryway. To the left of the front door, along the back wall, were the stairs that led up to the second floor landing. The upstairs hallway was open and looked down over the first floor. There were three doors, two on the opposite side of the banister and one straight ahead from the stairs. Harry went to the one straight ahead and opened it.

"This will be our room," Harry spoke as he moved to the side to let Louis into the room. A large bed was situated against the middle of the far wall facing a dresser next to the door they had just come through. To the left were two doors, presumably a bathroom and closet. "I have also had a second room prepared for you to be able to build your nest in."

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