Standing On the Edge Of Falling (L)

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Louis threw his head back and let out a groan as he saw the box sitting on the ground outside of his nesting room door. They had been showing up every morning the past few days, ever since the day after Louis' soft heat. The omega bent down and picked up the box, turning it over in his hands as he looked at it. It was nothing special, just plain white cardboard, completely nondescript. He tilted the container left and right and heard something sliding around inside of it. Louis sighed and walked back into his room before sitting down in his nest and opening up the box.

Louis pulled out a note which Harry included with each gift, his loopy handwriting becoming more and more familiar with each one.

Although nothing will ever come close to the real thing, this reminds me of you

xx H

The omega shook his head in exasperation before placing the note back in the box and pulling out the present instead. He carefully inspected the white bottle with purple flowers adorning it and read over the label. It was what seemed to be an expensive-looking lotion that boasted its organic and natural aroma of lavender and vanilla, the same mixture as Louis' scent. A soft chuckle escaped Louis' lips as he read it over again before he brought it up to his face to take a tentative sniff. The scent was fresh, but not overpowering, a detail that Louis greatly appreciated.

Louis' inner omega preened at the fact that Harry wanted to give him something that smelt of him, but Louis was quick to dismiss it. He had gotten used to ignoring his inner omega's voice and instincts since the moment he asked Harry to leave after his soft heat. It had been incessant since then and Louis was quick to tune it out.

Louis hurriedly put the lotion back in the box and sealed it closed. He climbed out of his nest and plodded over to his closet, placing the container beside the four others that were already there. He ignored the way his chest ached as he shut the door behind himself. He had gotten used to ignoring that too these past few days. And ignoring how his muscles seemed to constantly ache. And how he had not gotten much sleep at all in the days after his soft heat, his omega crying out for its alpha.

He trudged over to his door, a pounding building in his temples in time with his heartbeat. It was late enough in the morning that he knew Harry had already left for work and it was getting close to the time that Niall would be arriving to visit.

A gentle smile tugged up the corners of Louis' mouth as he thought about seeing his friend again for the first time since The Ceremony. The thought alone was enough to get Louis out of his room and down the stairs, glancing at his phone for the time. Niall should be arriving any minute, thank god. Louis could use some time with his favorite omega.

Right on cue, a rhythmic knocking sounded on his door and Louis rushed to open it. The door had barely opened an inch before someone came barreling through and he was pulled into a bone crushing hug. A grunt was punched out of Louis before he let out a breathless laugh, wrapping his arms tightly around the other omega.

"Missed me that much?" He chuckled as he pulled back, the two friends pausing to examine each other's appearance. Louis was pleased to see that the other omega looked well taken care of, something that was not seen frequently enough in their society. He watched as concern pinched Niall's features, but, as quickly as it appeared, it was gone and replaced with a wide grin.

"You know I'll always miss seeing your ugly mug," he quipped and patted Louis on the cheek before pushing past him and into the foyer. Niall let out a low whistle as he looked around the space, turning as he did so.

"Well, Toto, you are definitely not in Kansas anymore."

Louis sighed and rolled his eyes. "Really, Ni?"

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