The Mistakes And The Heartbreaks (L)

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Louis was left reeling after Harry's speech. So many questions that he had for years had been answered, but just as many questions popped into his head the longer the alpha spoke. Once Harry finally finished his monologue and sat back, Louis had absolutely no idea how to respond. His heart had been shattered then put back together so many times by the man sitting in front of him that he was not sure if he wanted to laugh or cry. Maybe he could do both. It would be fitting at least–he was always consumed by too many conflicting emotions when it came to Harry. His hands acted on their own accord when they reached out to grab Harry's, giving them a gentle squeeze. He smiled up at the alpha, his eyes shining with emotion.

"You really are a fucking idiot, aren't you?" He said with a laugh, shaking his head at Harry. He watched as Harry's eyes widened comically before he let out a strained laugh, a mixture of shock and relief at Louis' words.

"Uh- I mean, um- well, uh- probably?" He babbled before a sheepish grin overtook his face and Louis could not help the huff of laughter that escaped him.

Louis sat back for a moment as he just took in the man in front of him. He had absolutely no idea where to start after everything that Harry had said to him. His mind was reeling as he tried to come up with any sort of response that could even begin to verbalize the cacophony in his head. For his part, Harry sat there patiently, his smile never fading, and waited for Louis to speak.

"What changed?" He finally managed to voice. The question was one that had plagued him the entire time Harry was speaking. He took a deep breath before continuing. "Like... at first I thought you just weren't going to mate me." At this, Harry's smile did fall, and he felt the alpha squeeze his hands tightly. Louis kept going before Harry could speak. "I had no idea that you cared for me this whole time. I thought you hated me because I wasn't from some important family and wasn't good enough for a Styles."

"Lou-" Harry started but Louis was quick to cut him off.

"No, Harry, please let me finish." Louis watched as Harry's Adam's apple bobbed but he stayed quiet. The omega sucked in a deep breath before pushing on.

"I know now that was wrong, but at the time, what else was I supposed to think? So, I figured that wasn't going to change after we were paired either. And I had accepted that. I was content to follow your rules, do what was expected of me, and then when six months came around, be part of a failed pairing," he looked away and shrugged in an effort to appear nonchalant but even he could tell the movement came out stilted and awkward. He sighed heavily before looking back at Harry. The alpha's face was screwed up as if he was in physical pain and Louis' omega screamed at him to comfort Harry, but he knew that he had to keep talking or he may never have the strength or opportunity again.

"I just want to know what made you change your mind," he finally voiced, barely speaking louder than a whisper.

Louis sat waiting as Harry took a deep breath and shifted awkwardly. He knew this was not an easy conversation for either of them to have, but it was necessary for the two of them to be able to move forward in their relationship.

"Part of it was my alpha, honestly," Harry admitted, his mouth forming into a sheepish smile. "When my mom was here, all of my instincts went haywire trying to protect you and keep you safe from her. It was as if all of my worst nightmares had come to fruition in front of my eyes and it took all of my strength to not let my alpha take over. He recognized you as his mate long before I let myself do the same." Harry steeled himself with another deep breath, his eyes slipping closed for a second before he continued. "Then, when you went into soft heat, I realized that it wasn't just my instincts that made me help you, but I needed to– no I wanted to help you through it. You were my omega, not just to my alpha, but to me as well. That's why I began courting you afterwards. I had to let you know that I wanted to be your alpha–if you'd have me."

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