You Stole My Heart

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Prompt: 

Prompt Given By: @Millykit87

Angst with a happy ending.

Christmas party AU.

Ever since Reaper came to the party Geno has been left with a warm feeling inside of him but at the same time felt disgusted in himself for falling in love with another version of himself and besides Reaper has Life. But at one day at one of the Christmas parties he threw, he broke down and just clinged to Reaper's cloak saying "you stole my heart you death god!" with tears in his eyes.

Genre: Angst/Fluff
• • •
Geno couldn't get over this feeling of longing after the party. That feel of need. A warmth. It made him feel disgust in himself on how could feel a warmth about such a being; a revolt for feelings that could not be shattered.

Feelings for death itself.

It was overwhelming to feel such a way for such a detestable creature. The disgust for ones feelings grew larger at the second realisation that he had fallen for an alternate version of himself. How could ever do something so despicable?

Ever how much Geno felt hatred and disgust for his own feelings, he couldn't stray away from them; the feelings of warmth and love. Feelings of want.

It made him feel physically sick.

He wanted to puke his guts out till the feelings disappeared all together, just like food. Though he knew it wouldn't happen, things never went the way he wanted. Including horrid feelings like this. 

Was this Karma? Some kind of bad joke? A sick joke maybe.

He laid there, on the couch the feelings of dread washing over him like waves in a storm, the only comfort this was giving him was the feeling of his back against the rugged couch cushions. His thoughts a whirlwind. Being alone with his thoughts was Geno's personal hell. Now another feeling perked up in his body, but the feeling was overwhelmed by the sickly feeling of love. A love that was to never be requited. A futile expression of ones complex feelings. 

It felt like a bad joke. 

Besides he knew the unrequited love was the inevitable as he had heard about Toriel - Life - once during his and Reaper's first meeting. Geno had gathered that they were in some type of relationship of some category. So these feelings of love and need would never see fit to hit the light of day. Never to be spoken. Hidden away to dust away in the back of his mind. 

Sure seeing Reaper every Christmas and not being able to spout his confessions was painful, looking at the male he wish to keep. To touch. Hug. Kiss. To be his. However he made due with it, hiding his love was such a talent for Geno. As easy as breathing. Talking and arguing with the god without any hesitation. Everything seemed normal on the surface. A bubble with no need to burst.

That was until the bubble burst.

Geno could not take these feelings for another year. It was getting too painful to hide such feelings for this long. He needed his love out in the open. To confess everything he's hid for years.

Everything was normal. Everyone chatting and getting up to the usual chaos they conduct. Geno was walking through the doorway from the kitchen to the dining room, holding a mug of eggnog, which again was spiked. It was every year, and always someone different who would spike it with some type of alcohol, last year it was Fell with whiskey. This year Geno had his guesses though they were getting harder as the more AU's started to come to these parties. Soon enough the house would be too full but honestly Geno liked the house not feeling so deserted, made him feel less lonely even if it was just one day of the year he liked it to an extent.

Geno saw him standing there, his back against the wall.. Reaper. Geno glanced at the god, before turning away. Maybe he can just wait another year... Surely he could. After all he knew the answer to his confession, a very simple 'I'm sorry, I don't feel that way' that would cause Geno to stammer and stutter then slink away. As he started to walk away, he stopped and looked back, his breath hitching, he couldn't wait. Not anymore. Not after so long, like a princess in a fairy-tale waiting for her prince. Geno could not wait another breath to tell Reaper. 

Slamming the mug down onto the closest surface it could stand on, with a slam some of the eggnog spilling he walked towards Reaper at a quick pace. Maybe he was drunk. Out of his mind even. Maybe he finally went insane from his isolation. But that determination that once destroyed him finally resurfaced.

Reaper glanced at the skeleton walking to him, turning his full attention to Geno. They stood in silence for a moment, Geno looking at the ground. Reaper raised a makeshift brow, "Geno? Are you drunk agai-" Reaper began to ask but was cut off by a tug on his robe; Geno's fingers digging into the black fabric. He was stunned.

"I don't want this." Geno spoke quietly, his voice barely audible. Reaper seemed more confused than concerned. His sockets narrowing, his hands stuck to his sides not daring to touch the body in front of him.

"Don't want what-?"

"This! These stupid feelings!" Geno exclaimed loudly, "You're horrid you know that! Making me feel these feelings that disgust me so!" He felt tears in his eyes, starting to pool on the edges causing his vision to go blurry, pools of agony. "I am in love with you! I have fallen for such a stupid god like you... You stole my heart! And it hurts!" He sank to the floor his hands uselessly clinging to the bottom of the cloak balling it into crumples of paper and he cried, tears falling to the floor.

Reaper was silent before he laughed. Geno glared up at him, "What- You think this is- funny?" he snapped harshly.

"The only thing I see as funny is you clinging to me like a maiden." Reaper replied with a snort. "And so was your dramatic confession..."

Geno sobbed as he was in a position like he was praying at the gods feet. He was in despair not wanting to even await for the answer before breaking down in loud sobs causing a scene at the end of the dining room like it was a theatre performance

"Already crying? I haven't even said I love you back yet." Reaper teased.

Geno hiccupped and his eyes wandered up to Reaper's face, his eyes widening in shock before composing himself in some sort of way of regaining dignity. ".. You love me back?" He asked quietly.

Reaper nodded with a smirk, "What I just said Geno."

Finally his turmoil of feelings came to an end. Like an end to a good book, this chapter was closed in Geno's life, one of utter disgust and despair now plagued with some sort of cheerfulness. His drunken determination made this party some what worth it. Geno shakily got up, as quickly as the tears stopped they started again as Geno gave Reaper a breathless hug, not thinking in the moment about the possibility of dying, and tears rolled down his face into Reaper's cloak.

The tears staining and marking the cloak in the remembrance of a somewhat bright confession.

• • •

Words: 1139

I'm back. I'm so sorry for the really long disappearance, it's been a year since I last updated The Killer and the King? I didn't actually expect the hiatus for that to be that long but I guess other things caught up with me so I'm sorry, but I am hopefully back and also bringing some new fandoms to the table! 

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