Daisy- I Meet a Cat

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I nodded, determined to get it right this time. Silvie braced an arm on my back while I found my balance, adjusting my weight on the beam.

Silvie's icy blue hair was tied back into a loose bun today, 'to keep it out of the way,' she always said. I was sure she just liked how it looked.

Silvie was my neighbor, and she took gymnastics lessons, which was everything I ever wanted. Unfortunately for me, my dad refused to do anything he dubbed 'muggle tomfoolery,' which meant I had to learn my skills secondhand from Silvie. It wasn't all bad, though. Silvie was in college with a full scholarship because of her gymnastics talent. I was only eleven, but I knew that with practice I could be like her someday. Maybe.

"Okay, go."

I leaned back, raising my arms over my head. I tried my best not to lean on Silvie's hand, but I might have slipped a few times. In one swift move, I was upside down in my backbend, holding on to the beam.

"Perfect," Silvie said. "Now kick over."

Nodding, I adjusted my legs and kicked. Silvie had to help me a little, but I was able to do it. The issue was landing both my feet on the beam. Just when I thought I had it, my right foot slipped off and I fell the few inches that separated the beam from the floor.

"You almost got it," Silvie said encouragingly, helping me stand. "You okay?"

I nodded, massaging my ankle. "I'm okay."

"Good. Ready to try again?"

I was about to open my mouth to say yes, but I noticed the clock on the wall behind Silvie. It said it was nine. Uh oh.

"I have to get back home," I said remorsefully. I wanted to stay and keep practicing, but my dad would be looking for me if I was late. We had to leave for King's Cross today.

Silvie frowned. "Well... be careful out there, okay? Keep practicing. You have serious potential, Daisy."

"Okay," I nodded, swallowing a lump in my throat. I didn't want to leave Silvie. Though she was going back to school soon anyway, me leaving just felt wrong. "I'll miss you."

"Please," Silvie said, rolling her eyes. "You'll be so busy with all your plants and trees and stuff that you won't even think about me." Right. Silvie thought I was going to a boarding school for botany. I hated lying to her, but there were laws. I couldn't risk breaking them, not with my dad just waiting for an excuse. "Seriously, though," Silvie said, "take care of yourself, kid. Don't let any one give you any shi— uh, poop."

Smiling, I nodded and hugged her. Silvie was only nine years older than me, but she was so much more like a mom than I'd ever known. I didn't want to leave her.

"Come on," Silvie said, grabbing my hand. "I'll walk you back."

She led me up the stairs, into the kitchen, and out the side door. I looked both ways before stepping out, just to be sure. I didn't drop her hand until we reached the tree that grew between our houses.

"It's going to be great," Silvie said, giving me one last hug. "And remember, what do you do if someone bullies you?"

"Tell a teacher?"

She laughed. "Bully them back. Now go inside, you have to make sure you packed everything."

I nodded and climbed our tree until I got to the branch that reached out and just touched my bedroom's windowsill. When I had climbed safely back into my room, I waved at Silvie and closed the window.

Dad didn't know I hung out with her. Of course he didn't, because if he did he would lock me in my room and never let me out again, or he would do something to Silvie. Nevermind that he was with a muggle once; being with my mother had only made him hate them more.

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