Vera- Freddie Doesn't Approve of my Date Ideas

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update, but I was on vacation last week and I didn't have time to write the chapter. I finished it as soon as I could for you guys. Enjoy! 

ps I'm going to start naming the chapters pretty soon so get ready for that.

Honestly, I was rocking the teal hair. After the whole laughing fit subsided in Charms last week, Daisy had apologized profusely, even though I had already told her I liked it. The color completely clashed with my Slytherin robes, which Freddie had been quick to point out, but that just made me like it more.

The days passed quickly, maybe because I was sleeping through all my classes, but whatever. Daisy and I never did have that second night in the kitchens, but I was still hopeful that it would happen. Except, even though we had plenty of time, I wanted to do it sooner. I mean, it was almost November already and we hadn't hung out outside of classes since. I didn't want to wait to sneak out into the kitchens with her and possibly make a small mess that we could spend time cleaning up together.

I found myself looking at the portraits on the walls, wondering if I could convince Daisy to sneak out with me, and then I could totally accidentally knock over one of them and we could fix it together.

"You know you could just ask her to, like... take a walk with you, right?" Freddie asked at dinner on Halloween, when I was telling her my plans.

I blinked. "What?"

"Ask her to hang out?" Freddie said again. "Instead of causing property damage?"

"Oh." for some reason, that thought hadn't occurred to me. "That's an idea. I like the painting thing better, though."

Halloween at Hogwarts was pretty cool. The halls were decorated with pumpkins and jackolanterns, and every candle in the castle was either purple or black. At dinner, the pumpkins floated above the tables and were big enough for at least five guys to sit in if they really tried. Two swarms of bats flew around, one swarm sticking to the ceiling (which was reflecting the clear, starry sky outside) and one swooping low over the students every so often.

Sadly, no one dressed up, but Austin and Nancy sent me a picture that morning of Olive as a little witch, complete with a tiny broom that actually flew, and Ben with a werewolf costume on, growling at the camera, probably not realizing that he wasn't scary in the slightest. The picture didn't move like the others in their house did, probably because Austin was playing with his new polaroid camera.

I kept my pointed hat on, because I was at least going to look as witchy as I possibly could on Halloween. With my new teal hair, it looked totally awesome.

"Just, like... take her to the astronomy tower or something," Freddie said. She was adjusting pretty well to my crush/total obsession, considering she hadn't even known girls could like other girls a couple of months ago.

"Or we could lock Filch out of his office," I suggested. "Or dye Mrs. Norris neon green."

"Or stay within the rules of Hogwarts?"

"Find the rulebook and show me the page where it says I can't dye cats."

Freddie dropped her head into her hand, mumbling something under her breath that I didn't hear.

It wasn't long after that that dinner ended and everyone was supposed to head up to bed. As always, the Entrance Hall was swarmed, with the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws making for the huge marble staircase, and the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins heading for our separate staircases that would lead down into the bowels of the castle.

Freddie and I were barely out of the hall when we heard the first scream. It was more startled than afraid, but still full of horror. Everyone still in the Entrance Hall froze, and I looked back to try and see what was going on.

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