Daisy- I Talk About Flowers

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Vera's hands were on my shoulders. I knew we were talking about serious things, but I was finding it a little hard to focus with the warmth of her skin seeping through my pajamas. Either way, her words registered, and I shrugged.

"Sometimes things like that are just... out of our control," I said.

I knew it wasn't my fault that mom left. She had been scared, and to her, she didn't have any other choice. Running off would have left her with nothing. It made sense that she didn't take me with her. She gave herself her best option. It just hurt that I wasn't a part of it. I wasn't enough to make her stay, and it wasn't worth it to take me with her.

"That doesn't make it okay," Vera said, eyes blazing. "It's like... it's like being robbed. We didn't choose for it to happen, but that doesn't mean it sucks any less! And you know what? Fuck them."

"Vera!" I gasped.

Vera rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at the corners of her lips.. "It's not that big of a deal. It's a word. Fuck. Now you say it."

"I think you're a bad influence," I said, taking another bite of my oatmeal-raisin cookie dough. It was really good.

"Just once?" Vera said. "I'll eat some of your weird cookies."

This time, I rolled my eyes. "Okay... fuck."

"You're adorable." Vera grabbed some cookie dough while I tried not to melt.

"Oh," I said, my face feeling very hot. "Thanks. I think. Um... yeah."

Vera finally laughed, which was worth my mini melt down. I knew it was important to talk out problems like we had, but I also didn't like seeing Vera upset. I would have cursed a million times over if it made her happy.

At least I knew I wasn't crazy anymore. According to Silvie, I was gay. I like girls, and there was nothing wrong with that. Now that I knew that, I also knew that I had a very big crush on a certain blue haired Slytherin. It seemed like everything she did made me blush. Silvie had called it 'puppy love.' She said it might fade over time. I really hoped it wouldn't.


"I think you just have to tell her," Cassie said, looking up from the set of robes she was hemming.

"What?" I asked in alarm.

We were in the Hufflepuff common room. It was after hours, and most Hufflepuffs were down here, talking to friends or doing homework or reading a book. Cassie was taking in the hem of Hanna's robes; she had gotten them secondhand from her older sister and they were too long for her. I was at one of the side tables, checking on some of my plants.

Cassie shrugged, going back to her work. "Just tell Verde how you feel."



I poured some water into the dry soil of a few potted tulips, using it as an excuse to not look at my friend. I was blushing again. "I don't think I can do that."

"Which is exactly why you have to, isn't it?" Cassie looked up again. "I mean, she's been flirting with you, hasn't she? And don't tell me you haven't been enjoying it."

"Does enjoying mean wanting to melt into a puddle?"


Humming noncommittally, I checked the tulips' leaves and petals, just in case. I was hoping Cassie wouldn't bring it up. Really I just wanted to ignore these feelings and just keep being friends with Vera. What if I told her and she didn't feel the same? It would ruin our whole friendship. And we really only ever hung out in the kitchens anyway. Could I even call that friendship? I thought so, but how could I be sure?

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