Vera- Freddie gets grumpy

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It was magic. I swear the owls started hooting louder under the moon and the crickets amped up their noise. Or maybe that was all the happy hormones running through my veins. I couldn't help smiling against her lips as I pulled her closer.

Daisy's warm brown eyes were bright as she pulled away, and she had a beautiful grin on her face. It might have been the happiest I'd ever seen her. Funny, because I was feeling the happiest I'd been in a long time.

"That was okay, right?" I said quietly, just to be sure.

A small laugh burst out of her mouth. "Are you kidding?" her voice was the loudest thing on the grounds, or maybe I was just so attuned to her at that point. "That was perfect."

I smiled wider. "Good." And I kissed her again.

We spent the rest of the night wandering the grounds, talking and sharing the occasional kiss. After that first one, I couldn't really stop, and I didn't want to. It didn't seem like Daisy wanted to, either.

It only took a few seconds to figure out exactly how we fit together. I was taller than Daisy, which I hoped wouldn't change, because she was at the perfect height to lean her head on my shoulder as we walked. She pointed out every flower we passed, named it, and described what it represented. I pointed out the whomping willow and told her about that time it grabbed me by the ankle and threw me into the lake.

It was a good night. No monsters popped out to paralyze us, but I was never worried any would. All that stuff had happened inside the castle, and we were out on the perfect grounds on a perfect night, having a perfect moment together.


In the end, Harry Potter solved that pesky issue with the people turning up frozen. Apparently it was a giant snake living in the walls, slithering around through the pipes to try to eat people and fail.

Anyway, back to the important things. Daisy and I were together every moment we could be. We partnered in classes and did our homework together. Occasionally Freddie joined in, but most of the time she stayed in the Slytherin common room and pretended to be interested in me yapping about Daisy all the time.

We decided pretty quickly that we would be girlfriends, because the word sounded awesome and we wanted to rub it in Malfoy's face that I got my crush faster than he got his.

Our favorite spot in the school was the kitchens. It was where we met, and even though the house elves didn't really like us at first (which was totally not my fault), they had grown more affectionate. I was proud to call them my Hogwarts parents. Well, Freddie was my Hogwarts mom. The elves were my weird eccentric aunts and uncles.

The year ended too soon. There were only a few weeks left when we finally kissed, and those weeks flew by fast.

"Are you doing anything fun in the summer?" Daisy asked, leaning into my arm.

We were on the Hogwarts Express, heading home. Daisy lived an hour away from me. We were going to be home for two months. I didn't know how I was going to survive.

"I think I'm just going to lay on the couch and suffer," I said.

Daisy laughed. "You'll miss Freddie that much?"

"I'm touched," Freddie said blandly, sorting through her chocolate frog card collection.

"I don't think I can live without you," I said to Freddie.

"You'll figure it out."

I fought the urge to pout like a child. "Why won't you let me have fun?"

Freddie looked up from her cards. "This isn't fun?"

"We stayed up late last night and Freddie gets grouchy when she's tired," I told Daisy.

"I can see that," Daisy said, clearly trying not to laugh again. "But really, are you doing anything fun? I don't want you sulking all summer."

"Ugh, I guess I can hang out with my siblings," I moaned dramatically. "Even though all they do is cry and complain and hit me with sticks."

"You've told me that you very much enjoy Ben hitting you with that broom handle."

I shrugged. "Only cause I get to hit him back and my parents don't say anything because it keeps him occupied."

"Well," Daisy kissed my cheek. "Either way, we can write letters to each other, and we'll see each other again once the new school year starts. Focus on the positive."

"Yeah, Vera," Freddie said, still sorting her cards. "Stop complaining."

"Take a nap, Freddie."

"Don't tell me how to think."

Houses and buildings were rushing by outside the windows now. We were going to pull into the station soon. While I was excited to see my siblings and hit Ben with a foam hammer, I was going to miss my friends, like, a lot. I could always write to them, but that was never the same as actually seeing them in person so I could admire the way Daisy's eyes sparkled and her hair glowed under the sun.

I was going to miss my little band of weirdos. And Malfoy, too, on some level. I'd been stealing his quills for the whole year and watching him yell at everyone about it never got old. I kept them in a chest under my bed so I could give them to him once we graduated.

The train lurched just a bit as the conductor hit the brakes and the station closed in around us. As the train slowed to a stop, I spotted my family waiting on the platform. Austin was chasing Olive around while Nancy held Tay and laughed at him. Ben seemed to be immersed in attempting to make some cats play with his superman toy.

Yep, that was my family. Out there on the platform, but also sitting next to me in the train compartment. Eventually we would be joined by another blond psychopath, but that wouldn't happen for another few years.

We got off the train. I said goodbye to my Hogwarts family, Momma Freddie and my lovely girlfriend Daisy, and went to join my other family.

Hey everyone! I really hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is the end of the official story, but it's probably not the end of random Vera and Daisy shenanigans. I'm going to be updating occasionally with random one-shots, but it won't be on a schedule (just to keep you on your toes)

Bye for now!

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