chapter 2

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I always wondered what the boys looked like in December. I tried to picture them in maroon scarves and turtleneck sweaters, standing beside a Christmas tree, but the image always seemed false. I did not know the winter Conrad or the winter Jeremiah, and I was jealous of everyone who did. I got flip-flops and sunburnt noses and swim trunks and sand. But what about those English girls who got snowball fights in the woods? The ones who snuggled up to them in front of the fire, the ones who they gave their coats to when it was cold outside. Well, Jeremiah, not Conrad. It wasn't his style.

I'd sit next to the radiator in history class and wonder what they were doing, if they were warming their feet under a radiator somewhere too. Counting the days until summer again. For me, summer was what mattered. If it wasn't summer, I wasn't at the beach house. I was at my house. With my parents. The constant yelling, fighting, screaming, it was too much. Sometimes one of them would leave, for a week or so, then they would come back apologising. All would be good for a week, then the fighting would begin again. Summer was my escape. 

Conrad was the older one, by a year and a half. He was dark and moody. Completely unattainable, unavailable. He had a smirky mouth, and I hated it. Conrad always annoyed me. How he always acted like he was better than the rest of us. He would put me down and make me feel unwanted. He acted just like my father sometimes, and I hated it.

Jeremiah though, he was my friend. My best friend. He was nice to me, and still hugged his mother in public. He was never embarrassed either. Jeremiah Fisher was too busy having fun to ever be embarrassed. That's what I loved about him. He never failed to make me laugh, and when Conrad was being mean, he would always take my side. 

I bet Jeremiah was more popular than Conrad at school. I bet that if it weren't for football, Conrad wouldn't be a big deal. He would just be quiet, moody Conrad. I really don't know what Belly saw in him, why she liked him so much, but then again, she said the same to me about Jeremiah.

When we finally pulled up to the house, Jeremiah and Conrad were sitting out on the front porch. I leaned into the front, and honked the horn twice, which is summer language for come and help with the bags.

Conrad was eighteen now, and Jere was sixteen, same as me. Conrad's hair was cut short and dark as ever. Unlike Jere's, whose hair has gotten longer. He looked shaggy but in a good way. When he was younger, his hair was curly yellow, and he hated it. Conrad had him convinced that crusts made your hair curly, so Jere swore off sandwiches, and Conrad would eat double. As Jere got older though, his hair became less and less curly and more wavy. I missed his curls. Susannah called him her little angel, and he used to look like it, with his rosy cheeks and yellow curls. He still has the rosy cheeks.

Jere made a megaphone with his hands and yelled, "Stev-o!"

I sat in the car with Belly and watched Steven stumble up to them, and hug in the weird way guys do. The air smelled salty and wet, like it might rain seawater any second. Laurel got out of the car too. "Hey boys. Where's your mother?"

"Hey Laurel. She's taking a nap." Replied Jere. Laurel walked over to them, and hugged them both, tightly. Then she disappeared into the house. Belly got out next, her bag slung over her shoulder. The boys turned to face her, and I felt my stomach drop slightly. Conrad gave her a quick glance, checking her out. Good for her. But then Jere stopped and stared, looking her up and down. He grabbed her and swung her around. "Well, if it isn't my favourite fabulous female!" She giggled, and quickly regained her footing. "Hello to you too."

Conrad gave her a quick hug. "I liked you better with glasses." Belly frowned. "Well, that's too bad because my contacts are here to stay." She turned, having just realised I was still in the car. "Come on Indi!"

I slowly got out of the car, regretting my decision of clothing. It had seemed fine in the car with my cousins, but now in front of two guys, one of which I had a huge crush on, it seemed embarrassing.

 It had seemed fine in the car with my cousins, but now in front of two guys, one of which I had a huge crush on, it seemed embarrassing

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My nervousness at seeing Jere quickly turned to excitement. Jere stared at me like he did Belly, only for longer. He took in every part of my outfit, before his eyes landed on my lips. I cleared my throat, and he quickly looked up at me.

"Hey Jere," I said. "Uh, hey Indi," he replied, somewhat nervously. He stared at me for a while longer, before Conrad interrupted. "Indi, Indi, Indi. What on earth are you wearing?" I blushed. "Uh, clothes" I replied nervously. "What would your parents say? That is much too revealing! You should be ashamed of yourself." I blushed even harder, and took a jumper out of my bag. "Sorry Conrad." I mumbled, pulling the jumper over my head. 

I felt a hand on my arm. "Don't be mean, Con. You didn't care when Belly was wearing practically the same thing." I looked up. It was Jere. "You're fine Indi. In fact, I think you look nice." He shot a pointed glare at Conrad, who mumbled an apology before walking away. "You okay?" asked Jere. "Yeah, thanks." I replied. "Let's go inside."

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