chapter 3

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After unpacking, I changed into my bikini and went straight down to the pool, where I knew the boys would be. They were lying around on the deck chairs, their bare feet hanging off the edges. 

As soon as Jere saw me, he jumped up. "Damn, Indi. Stunning as always." He looked me up and down and bit his lip. I blushed and muttered a thanks. Belly walked through the door, and all attention turned to her. She was still in her clothes, and Conrad sprang up, running towards her. "I do believe it is time... for our first belly flop of the summer!" I felt bad for her, but not bad enough to help her. That would just guarantee me being tossed into the pool as well. 

Belly shrieked as she was thrown into the pool like a rag doll. "Conrad!" she whined. "I think you twisted my ankle!" He snorted and went over to help her out of the pool. Bad decision. Belly tugged on his arm, pulling him in with her. She darted to the other side of the pool, shouting "Marco." Conrad chased after her. "I'm gonna get you Belly!" I looked at Jere. "Beach?" I asked. He nodded and went to grab his towel. "See you guys later!" I called to Conrad and Belly. "Don't flirt too much." 

Jere and I walked down to the beach in silence. I caught him looking at me a couple times, and a faint blush began to creep up my cheeks. I looked back at him. "Do I have something on my face?" I asked him. "No, no." He replied. "Then why do you keep looking at me?" He began to flush. "I dunno," he mumbled. "You just look different this summer." I puzzled over this for a moment, before shaking it off. "Wanna race?" 

I took off running towards the ocean. "Not fair!" I heard Jere yell. Just as I got to the water, I felt strong hands on my waist. I shrieked as Jere dumped me under the waves. I pulled on his arm, and he fell down on top of me. We splashed around for a while. To anyone else on the beach, we would have looked like a cute couple. 

After a while, I ran onto the sand and collapsed. Jere ran over and tripped over me. He fell, landing on top of me. Our faces were so close, and I could feel my cheeks heating up. Jere looked into my eyes, then down to my lips.  This was it; I could feel it. The moment I had fantasised about since I was twelve. It was finally happening. Jere leaned closer to me, his lips brushing mine for just a second, before pulling back. I tangled my fingers into his hair, pulling him closer. "Indi," he whispered, but I cut him off with another kiss. 

This kiss was deeper. His tongue prodded my lips, and I parted them. My hands were tangled through his hair, and he was gripping my hips. I pulled back. "We should probably go... before they come looking for us." He stood up and began walking back to the house. "Talk later Indi," he called over his shoulder. 

I smiled and stood up slowly. 

A/N short chapter, I know, but I thought this moment deserved its own time. We have 15 reads :) ik it doesn't seem like a lot but its a lot for my first book :D if u like this book pls comment and vote. if u have any ideas or feedback for me, lmk. -piper <3 

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