Chapter 23: The Great Tate

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"So let me get this straight

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"So let me get this straight." Candi leaned forward, the hot steam of her coffee dampening her top. "You and Knox Marsden didn not knock boots."

Nessa shook her head. "Nope. There was no knocking of boots, heels, or even flip-flops."

"I've said it before and I'll say it again," Candi said, disappointed. "You are a walking calamity. How could you pass up such a golden opportunity?"

"There's something about two cops accusing the man you're about to sleep with of murder that puts a damper on the mood." Nessa sipped her latte. "It's for the best. Knox has a lot of issues."

"And you don't?"

"This is not about me. He has baggage."

"You have baggage as well. Or did you forget about the great Tate?" Candi raised an eyebrow.

"I try to but he keeps invading my thoughts," Nessa admitted. "Besides, Tate is not great. Still, for a moment I felt like Knox and I really connected."

"You would've connected if you'd just loosen up a bit," Candi muttered.

"I'm being serious." Nessa sat up and stared past Candi's shoulder. "When he was telling me about his relationship with Jessica, I felt so bad for him."

"He's a rich man with power at his disposal," Candi reminded her. "Don't feel bad for him."

"Yeah, but he's been through a lot."

"So have you."

"Exactly! That's why I felt like we really understood one another. You should have seen him. He looked so vulnerable."

"Knox Marsden the hot guy who is always on the cover of business magazines looked vulnerable? You should have taken a picture."

"What is going on with you? You seem jumpy." Nessa's eyes narrowed.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Have you talked to your dad yet? Or your mom?"

"No, why?"

Candi's eyes widened. "Because your apartment was broken into!"

Nessa frowned. "They know. I got yelled at by them and they really freaked out when they heard I was with someone other than Tate."

"Are you sure it's over with Tate?" Candi asked.

"Yes, why?"

Candi pointed to the handsome man standing in the doorway of her coffee shop. "Because he's standing right there. I'll give you two time to talk."

Nessa watched as Tate slowly approached her table. He placed his hand on the edge of a chair. "May I take a seat?"

"It's a free country." Nessa leaned back in her seat.

He grimaced and sat down. "I want to talk to you."

"That's interesting because I don't want to talk to you. Did my father send you?" Nessa asked, crossing her arms at her chest.

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