Chapter 22: Night Interrupted

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It was a night she wished she could forget

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It was a night she wished she could forget. Nessa sat on the sofa, her arms wrapped around her legs as she stared at the two officers, the hotel manager, and Knox argue. Heavy knocking on their hotel room's door had interrupted her and Knox's heavy make-out session.

Detective Daniel Chavez eyes Nessa warily as she yawned into her hand. He clearly hadn't expected Knox and Nessa to be together in his hotel room.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Marsden," the hotel manager, Carl, said before rubbing his hands together in nervousness. "I told them you were detained but they insisted it was an emergency."

"Do you have some kind of a warrant?" Knox asked. He had pulled on a white shirt after the manager had arrived, the two detectives in tow.

"I didn't think we'd need one," Detective Rick Conners grinned. "We thought you'd want to know firsthand."

"Know what?" Knox asked, clearly not amused.

"That we found that engagement ring you gave to Jessica Spencer," Rick whispered loudly.

"What does that have to do with me?" Knox asked.

"It was delivered to us," Detective Chavez continued. "It was delivered to us at the station. Don't you think that's odd?"

"What I think is odd," Knox said slowly, "is that you two took it upon yourselves to track me down in order to tell me this bit of uneventful news."

"Who sent it?" Nessa asked from the sofa, her brows raised with curiosity.

"That's a good question," Rick answered, his eyes glued on Knox. "That's why we came here to talk to your boyfriend."

Knox cursed under his breath before turning to Carl. "Is this how you do your job? By allowing uninvited guests to people's rooms?"

Carl paled. "No sir, I--" 

"Forget it. Go back to the lobby," Knox ordered Carl. "I'll deal with these two."

Carl's eyes darted between the two detectives and Knox before he nodded and scrambled out the door.

"Tell us again the last time you saw Jessica Spencer," Detective Chavez ordered.

"My story isn't going to change from two years ago," Knox answered. "She came into my suite the afternoon before the wedding. We had promised not to see one another a day before the wedding."

"And what did she want to see you for?" Rick asked. "A little hanky panky before you said I do?"

"Stop!" Nessa raised her hand in the air.

All three men turned to look at her.

"You can't tell us to stop," Detective Chavez said, turning to his partner. "Can she?"

"No." Rick muttered. "Unless she is a lawyer."

"Are you a lawyer," Daniel asked Nessa.

"No, she isn't," Knox muttered.

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