Chapter 32: The Final Chapter

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After Knox confirmed her bed had been replaced, Nessa insisted they go to her apartment that night

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After Knox confirmed her bed had been replaced, Nessa insisted they go to her apartment that night.

"You need to be away from the hotel and so do I," she told him. "The reporters are probably storming the place right now."

After ten minutes of arguing, they were in her apartment. Knox was sprawled on her new mattress. Luckily, the fire hadn't spread or caused any major damage.

"At least they fixed my lock," Nessa said.

He didn't respond.

"I'm sorry it was Patrick. I was really hoping it was Jason," Nessa admitted.


"Obviously, whoever was killing those women and putting an X on them was jealous or something. I got a bad vibe from Patrick, but I was really hoping it would be Jason if it had to be either of them," she explained as she sat next to him. "Are you okay?"

"No, but what can I do?"

Nessa rested her head on his shoulder. "Want me to make you feel better?"

"How are you going to do that?"

She undid the buttons to his shirt and grinned. "I can think of some ways. It may not make you feel better, but at least you'll forget." She ran her hands down Knox's chest, "After what we've been through, I think we both need this."

Nessa was in the shower

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Nessa was in the shower. He had planned to join her but a call from Jason held him back.

"Patrick is insisting he's innocent," Jason shared over the phone.

"We heard him confess," Knox said as he looked at the photographs of Nessa with her parents. He was in her bedroom and walked over to her dresser, casually looking through her things. Women weren't the only ones who could snoop.

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