3 💕

39 0 0

Bronx| New York
It was 10 am and I got a text from a random number.
#### ### ####
Who the hell is this??
It's JJ
How'd you get my number?
Contact name changed - JJ 🥷🏾
Don't worry about it mh
Whatchu want?
Chill with all that. Send the addy.
Hell no. What I look like giving my addy to a random.
Random is crazy. Come over to mine then.
Alright send me the addy then
XX street
Ima be there in an hour

I got in the shower did all my hygiene stuff and got dressed in sum slight.

I left my house making sure I was strapped and got to his house in 10 minutes

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I left my house making sure I was strapped and got to his house in 10 minutes. He lives a little too close for comfort.

I texted that I was outside and he came down opening the door wearing a wife beater and gray sweats with his hair tied up. He looked mad good.

Yo what's good? Hey I said coming in. I walked into the kitchen grabbing a drink. Not you making yourself comfortable he said laughing.

I sat down in his living room. Come on he said walking up the stairs. I sat on his chair in his room. You smoke? Nah. You mind me smoking? Nah it's cool.

He rolled his blunt licking it as I watched. Is it hot in here or is it just me? I thought. You wish this was you huh? He asked. Yeah right.

He lit it and took a puff. I was just on my phone until he grabbed it. Yo what the hell JJ! I said with an attitude. Let's talk and watch your tone. I just rolled my eyes.

Lay I wanna learn more about you he said. Not gonna lie that made me blush a bit. Ok fine I said sighing. I have no sibling I have 3 besties Dara, Ash, and Kay who are like family.  My mom and dad live in Atlanta I said. And I sell dope and am not one to play with. The end.

I have no siblings. I have three close homeboys Mar, A.B and Kay who are like family too. My mom and dad live in the Bronx. And I sell dope and am not one to play with he said imitating me.

You want sum to eat? he asked. I nodded yes. Use your words ma he said. I just rolled my eyes. So you don't want nun then. Yes I would like something to eat Jermaine I said with an attitude. Alright come on.

I followed him downstairs and outside. He had a black Range Rover. It was mad nice. As he was about to open the passenger side door I hopped in the back to piss him off.

Don't piss me off Malaysia. I laughed getting out. He opened the passenger door for me and went around and got in. I was just on my phone as we pulled up to McDonald's.

Hi what can I get for you? The lady asked. Can I get two McChickens, 2 medium fries, and 2 Oreo McFlurrys. Sure thing she said. When we pulled up to the window she was looking at JJ seductively.

Hi your order is going to take a minute or two to come out she said smiling at him. Can I get some sweet and sour sauces? I asked. She completely ignored me and walked away.

I know this heifer didn't just ignore me I said. Lay chill out maybe she didn't hear you? Yeah of course you would think that the way she was looking at you.

Lay - Shut up now you're getting on my nerves JJ I said cutting him off. She came back giving him our food. He stayed there to check the bag for anything missing. Can I get sweet and sour sauces? Yeah sure. She got a couple and gave them to him along with the receipt.

The receipt had her number on it saying call me and he ripped it up and threw it out right in her face and sped off. Not gonna lie that made me happy. We got home and sat in his room and ate. I was eating on his desk.

After we finished eating it was already 2:30 pm. Sit on the bed I wanna hop on the game real quick. K I said getting up sitting on the bed.

I was just on insta and of course as guys do he was yelling at whoever he was playing with and the game itself. Like what did the game do to you?

I got a call from a number I didn't recognize and put it on speaker. And I heard a male voice say yo lay what's good. I recognized that voice and got up and went out the room. What do you want Kamari? So that's how you
coming? He asked.

Yes you are my EX (emphasis on ex) stop calling my phone I said hanging up and blocking him. I walked back upstairs and JJ mugged me. Who was that? Someone I used to know. He just got back on his game

I could tell he was upset. I turned his mic off. Why are you upset? I'm not. Fine then. I went and sat on his lap facing him. He turned off the game. Yo what are you on ma? He asked with his hands on my waist. I'm not on nun. Get off me bro. I'm not your bro.

Talk to me I said. Why did you have to get out the room? I just didn't want to bother you. Plus that conversation was 5 seconds and I blocked him. Ok. Now get off me frl before you start sum you can't finish he said smirking.

Nah it's actually mad comfortable. Word? He kept playing the game with me still on him. I fell asleep on him. I woke up on his bed with a cover over me.

What time is it? I asked groggily. It's 6 pm. Damn that was a long nap. Ima head out now. Alright text me when you get home. I will I said walking out the room. Damn no hug or nun? My bad I said hugging him while he was moving his hand lower.

Nice try I said, bringing his hand back up. Bye ma he said. Bye JJ. I walked downstairs and out the door. I got home, texted JJ, and just chilled watching tv, reading, and listening to music for hours then went to sleep.

This was just a filler chapter the next one will be another filler chapter with Adara and Akari with a whole different scenario. Ima try to update as much as I can this week since I have only one regents to take tmrw and then I'm off the rest of the week. Bye love yall ✌🏾❤️

What do y'all think about Tristan Thompson taking performance enhancement drugs? 👀  -

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